How long to cook frozen cranberry juice. How to make cranberry juice? Recipe for fruit drink made from frozen and fresh cranberries

Russian classics

Mors is the most successful way to prepare cranberry decoction. The berry has a rather specific taste and smell and is therefore little used in cooking. But the decoction from it turns out excellent. Moreover, long-term heat treatment is not required to obtain the drink, which allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances of cranberries almost unchanged. The refreshing decoction can be drunk cool (in the summer heat, for example) or warm (for a cold or malaise). By the way, this method of processing “northern lemon” berries was known back in the 16th century, as evidenced by several recipes describing how to properly prepare cranberry juice in Domostroy.

Preparing the drink

How to properly cook cranberry juice? It is enough to know a few important rules, because preparing this drink does not require special knowledge, effort or a lot of time.

The berries are prepared for cooking, kneaded, and filled with water. Then the composition is sent to the stove. Boil for a few minutes, then cool and strain.

Some people prefer to prepare a kind of mix - part of the cranberries is boiled for fruit drink, and part of the berries is mashed to obtain juice. Finally, both compounds are combined.

To soften the unique taste of cranberries, a sweetener is used - regular sugar or honey. Some housewives add variety to the taste of the drink by adding lemon juice or citrus zest, cinnamon or cloves. The drink will definitely become healthy and healing if you combine cranberry juice with a decoction of rose hips. The latter just needs to brew before that.

How to make cranberry juice? First of all, you need berries - both fresh and frozen. The resulting drink can be taken with you in a thermal mug or bottle, or served to the table after cooling - fruit juice will be good with a mint leaf or a slice of lemon. Pour it into wine glasses and tall cocktail glasses.

Preparing the berries

Before making cranberry juice, we prepare the berries. Frozen ones must be “warmed up” at room temperature until they reach their original soft state.

Then the berries (both fresh and defrosted) need to be sorted, discarding debris, stems, leaves, and spoiled cranberries. At the next stage, the mass is washed in a colander under a weak stream of running water.

Before cooking, the berries are thoroughly kneaded with a wooden masher. If you plan to add cranberry juice to your fruit drink, then select some of the berries for this. Decided to add lemon? The zest is removed from the fruit and then the juice is squeezed out.

For a healthy cocktail of cranberries and rose hips, you also need to sort out the berries of the latter, remove leaves and stems, and rinse. Then, before preparing the fruit drink, the decoction is pre-steamed. To do this, just place the rose hips in a thermos and pour boiling water over it overnight.

How to prepare cranberries without cooking

Recipes for preparing miracle berries for the winter are distinguished by significant diversity and creative approaches of housewives and cooks. One of the basic principles of canning is minimal or no heat treatment. Soaked berries, for example, are prepared by simply pouring clean cold water over the cranberries.

It’s a paradox, but you can “cook” cranberry jam without cooking. To do this you will need a kilogram of cranberries and the same amount of sugar:

  1. It is necessary to clean the berries from twigs, leaves and other debris.
  2. Wash well under running water and dry on a paper towel.
  3. Mix the cranberries with half the prepared sugar and crush with a wooden masher until the sugar is completely dissolved. A blender is not suitable for this purpose, since the acids contained in the berries may react with the metal.
  4. Sterilize several jars, place the prepared aromatic mixture in them, and cover with the remaining sugar.
  5. Cover with metal or plastic lids and take to a cool place.

In winter, such vitamin-rich jam will be indispensable for compotes and cranberry juices, and simply for drinking with tea during periods of acute respiratory diseases.

Attention! Cranberries differ from other berries prepared for the winter without cooking in that they do not have to be stored in the refrigerator. Just a cool place is enough. The fact is that the healthy berry contains citric and benzoic acids, which prevent it from spoiling.

Classic fruit drink: preparation

How to cook regular frozen cranberry juice?

  1. Defrost the berries until soft, sort them, and rinse them.
  2. Pour the cranberries into a saucepan (it is advisable to use a non-oxidizing container).
  3. Mash the berries thoroughly with a masher.
  4. Take a bowl, cover the inside with clean gauze, and pour the cranberries into the container.
  5. Now squeeze the juice out of the berries through cheesecloth.
  6. The cake is placed back into the pan.
  7. The squeezed berries are filled with water. After this, place the pan on the burner.
  8. The broth is brought to a boil. Then remove the pan from the stove.
  9. Strain the pulp liquid through a sieve or colander.
  10. While the broth is still hot, the required amount of sugar is poured into it. The fruit drink is stirred until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  11. Cool the drink, then add cranberry juice.
  12. All that remains is to mix the composition thoroughly - the fruit drink is ready for use!

Recipe for cranberry jam with vanilla

This recipe is a little unusual. Due to the addition of vanilla and lemon zest, we get an excellent taste and aroma of the delicacy. This jam will later make excellent jelly, marmalade or mousse. The kids will be delighted. Ingredients:

Cranberries - 1 kg, Sugar - 2 kg, Zest of one lemon, Vanilla - to taste.
How to make vanilla jam with cranberries:
Carefully sort out the cranberries from debris and twigs and rinse thoroughly through a colander under running water. Place the cranberries in a jam container and add a little water (about one glass) there. Cook the whole mixture over low heat until semi-soft. As soon as half of the berries become soft and boiled, you can add sugar. Add lemon zest and vanilla to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil. Cook the jam for 20 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to remove the foam. After the required amount of time has passed, turn off the heat and let the jam stand for a while. After the berry mass has infused and cooled slightly, you can pour it into jars. We roll up the jam with lids and put it under the blanket until it cools. The jam is ready. Bon appetit!

Frozen berry drink

If you are interested in how to properly prepare fruit juice from frozen cranberries, we will also offer you a recipe for this healthy drink that does not require heat treatment.

The ingredients are the same:

  • Frozen cranberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Boiled water - 1 l.
  • Honey, sugar - to your taste.

And here's the preparation:

  1. Thaw the fruits until soft.
  2. Pass the berries through a juicer.
  3. Dilute the juice with boiled water, sweeten to taste.
  4. Mix the composition thoroughly. You can serve it to the table!

Dishes for making cranberry jam

In the case of cranberries, any deep container from a saucepan to a basin will do. Glass jars with a capacity of 0.2 liters to 0.5 liters will also be needed. Don't forget to prepare the lids, a plate for the foam and a spoon (wooden spatula) to collect the foam.

Cranberries are best harvested after the first frost. Then it becomes more tender and reveals all its beneficial properties more fully. You can make jam from either fresh or frozen cranberries. The vitamin value of berries in both cases will be equal. Sugar can be added to cranberry jam according to taste, but not less than one kilogram per kilogram of berries. Please note that cranberries are a sour berry, and therefore the amount of sugar is for an amateur. Try adding orange, tangerine, lemon or nectarine to cranberry jam. This will significantly improve the taste of the jam.

Honey-cranberry juice: preparation

Here's a simple algorithm:

  1. The beginning is standard - the berries are defrosted (if necessary), sorted, and washed.
  2. Place them in a bowl and mash with a masher.
  3. Cranberry juice from the berries is squeezed through cheesecloth into a separate container, and the pulp is returned back to the pan.
  4. Add water and put on fire.
  5. How long does it take to cook frozen cranberry juice? Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for another five minutes.
  6. Strain through a sieve into another container.
  7. Add honey, dilute until it is completely dissolved.
  8. Now pour in the prepared cranberry juice and mix well.

In cold weather, fruit juice is good hot and warm. During the hot season, it would be a good idea to cool it before serving.

Experimenting with ingredients in cranberry jam

If you know the classic recipe, you can use it to make various preparations for the winter, supplementing it with different ingredients - nuts, orange or lemon zest, star anise. Another interesting experiment for many is to replace sugar with honey. This is available primarily in rural areas, where there is an apiary nearby. Cranberry jam is prepared traditionally, but instead of 2 kilograms of sugar, we take 1.6 kilograms of honey and make syrup from it, adding 2-2.5 glasses of water. Then we add the berries and then cook strictly according to the recipe you have chosen, even if it contains the addition of apples or quince. Honey significantly increases the shelf life of the product and increases its usefulness. Walnuts with hazelnuts. Apricot and apricot seeds also have good taste. Let's go back to the classic recipe again, when the sugar syrup is ready and the berries are already in it. Pre-cook the peeled nuts for half an hour in a separate container, without salt or sugar, just boil. When the jam thickens, crush the kernels, place them in a bowl with the sweet berry mixture and cook for about 5 minutes. Then put it in jars and close it immediately, not allowing it to cool. To prevent sudden cooling due to a draft, turn it over.

We do the same thing if we make cranberry jam with lemon or orange zest. In the same way, we start by using the classic recipe, having first grated the orange. Having brought the berry mass to half-preparedness, add orange zest to it and then cook until thick. To get cranberry jam with a lemon-vanilla scent, prepare the zest in the same way, but cook the berries over low heat in clean water, and only when they become soft, add sugar, along with grated lemon and a pinch of vanilla. Then it remains to boil the sweet mass until the sugar is completely dissolved, that is, about 20 minutes.

Cranberries not only have many beneficial properties, but also have excellent taste. This berry is rich in vitamin C, B, PP and many others. It contains a large number of microelements, including magnesium, calcium, boron, iodine. In addition to being used to make juice, desserts and added to pies, cranberries can be used to make amazing jam. And we will look at how to do this in this article.

Cranberry jam with apples


  • apples – 1 kg;
  • cranberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • boiled water - 1 tbsp.;
  • walnuts – 1 tbsp.

For the syrup:

  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.


Now we will tell you how to make cranberry jam. Wash the apples thoroughly, remove peels and seeds, and then cut them into small pieces. Wash the cranberries, dry them and sort them. Then put the berries in a saucepan and fill with boiled water. Close the lid and cook until they become soft, and then grind them thoroughly through a sieve. Pour sugar into an enamel pan, pour half a glass of water and cook the syrup. After that, add cranberries, nuts and apples to it. Cook the jam for about an hour over low heat. Instead of sugar syrup, you can use honey. Pour the prepared cranberry jam into jars and pack it away for the winter.

Lingonberry and cranberry jam


  • cranberries – 1 kg;
  • lingonberries -500 g;
  • red apples – 300 g.
  • For the syrup:
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 2 tbsp.


First, cook the sweet syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat until thickened. Wash the cranberries and lingonberries, dry them and sort them, tearing off the stems. Blanch the berries for 5 minutes, then transfer them to the hot syrup and cook, stirring, over medium heat. Wash the apples, peel them, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Blanch them for 10 minutes. At the very end, when the jam is ready, put the apples in it and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. If you wish, you can add lemon zest, cinnamon or vanilla. Pour the cranberries into pasteurized jars and close.

Cranberry jam with orange


  • cranberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • oranges – 1 kg.


Wash the cranberries thoroughly and sort them thoroughly. Wash the oranges, cut them into pieces and, without peeling the zest, pass them through a meat grinder along with the cranberries. Add granulated sugar and mix well. Leave it for a day, stirring occasionally. After that, put the cranberries in clean jars, roll up the lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Five-minute cranberry jam


  • cranberries – 1 kg;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.


We sort the cranberries, remove leaves and twigs. Wash the berries and dry them slightly. Then prepare the syrup: pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Pour in sugar and dissolve it, bring everything to a boil. In another saucepan, boil water and throw in the berries, cook them for 5 minutes, and then transfer them to a saucepan with syrup. Then cover the dishes with gauze and leave in a cool place for 12 hours. After soaking, put the jam on low heat again, bring to a boil and cook, skimming off the foam, for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam hot into jars, roll up the lids, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket, cool and put them away for storage.

Cranberry jam in a slow cooker

The value of cranberries for the human body has been proven since ancient times by the very first doctors. Cranberry, an excellent anti-scorbutic remedy, was an integral part of the provisions of long-distance sailors. Cranberries were used to reduce fever and treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Today, the range of beneficial properties of cranberries has expanded significantly. The maximum dose of vitamin C has made cranberries a folk remedy for many diseases. Thanks to the high content of ursulic acid in cranberries, the human body copes with kidney stones. Benzoic acid in red berries fights excessive blood viscosity, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Increased use of cranberries is indicated for those who suffer from increased nervousness, insomnia or headaches. If you use cranberries regularly, you can protect the body from tuberculosis and various gynecological diseases. Cranberry is considered an excellent stimulator of antibiotic action. Cranberries are also indicated for external use. Many beauties know the secret of this bright berry. The fact is that cranberries have excellent wound-healing, antibacterial, anti-pustule and whitening properties. If you wipe your face with fresh cranberry juice mixed with water in equal proportions, you will achieve perfectly smooth and clean skin. Moreover, completely without pigment spots. In addition to vitamin C, cranberries are rich in vitamins K, PP and B. Iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are also components of the valuable berry. You can endlessly list the benefits of using cranberries. It’s probably easier to count on one hand the elements that are not present in cranberries. However, those who suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers should be careful when using cranberries. For liver diseases and any other inflammatory processes of the digestive tract, the use of cranberries is also contraindicated. Most often, cranberries are consumed in the form of freshly squeezed juice. We will teach you how to prepare wonderful cranberry jam, which in its beneficial properties is not inferior to cranberry juice. Moreover, unlike juice, you can store jam all winter, which means you will always have the healing remedy at hand.

Fruit drink with rose hips and cranberries: preparation

Cooking this fruit drink is no more difficult than the previous ones:

  1. A rosehip decoction is prepared in advance - the berries are steamed with boiling water overnight in a thermos.
  2. Sort the cranberries and rinse.
  3. Mash the berries with a masher.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the cranberries through cheesecloth into a separate bowl.
  5. The cake is returned to the pan and filled with water.
  6. Place the container with cranberries on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, cook it for 5 minutes.
  7. The broth is filtered through a colander and sweetened - the sugar must be completely dissolved.
  8. Now strain the pre-steamed rose hip decoction and pour it into the cranberry mixture.
  9. The drink is mixed, cooled (if necessary) and served.

Cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking: Recipe 1

One kilogram of ripened berries (whole ones are taken, not crushed or spoiled) and the same amount of granulated sugar produces excellent jam, yielding three 0.5-liter jars. The berries are sorted very carefully (after all, the quality of the dish depends on this) to ensure a first-class delicacy.

The cranberries need to be “quenched” in boiling water by pouring them into a colander and dipping them a couple of times in fairly hot water. Then it is spread out on the covered surface of the table and dries. It is even advisable to repeat the washing procedure 2-3 times, since after all, the raw materials will not be subjected to boiling and the berry preparation technology should be followed responsibly. The storage period for the jam will depend on the degree of purity. Do the same with cranberries when.

High-quality prepared fruits are ground in a blender. Based on the quantity of processed products, grinding is carried out in several passes, that is, in portions. Although, among the methods existing in cooking, you can grind it using a food processor or a meat grinder. The only drawback: the berries burst in a meat grinder, and the juice can splatter everything around, and the peel clogs the mesh of the device and needs regular cleaning. Up to 500 g of the original product is placed in the blender, and, after 5 minutes, the recipe “ Cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking quickly”

» Excellent homogeneous berry puree available.

The prepared puree is transferred to a clean, dry enamel container and mixed with a kilogram of sugar. This 1:1 ratio applies to currants, raspberries and other berries. By the way, in some cases the proportion is 1:1.5, which allows you to store the treat even in moderate coolness. The mixture is stirred until the crystals disappear, and left for 3-4 hours on the kitchen table, stirring regularly for abundant juice release and final dissolution of sugar.

The prepared mass is filled into pre-sterilized small glass jars and closed with nylon lids. The container can also be hermetically sealed turnkey. The storage location is a refrigerator or a cold cellar, where healthy and amazingly tasty “live” jam will last for more than one month.

Recipe 2

To seal the cranberries “under the sugar plug,” a little less sugar is required than in the previous recipe. So, per kilo of berries you will need 0.85-0.9 kg of white sweet crystals. The product yield does not have such a sweet, even cloying taste, as they say, in moderation; but this does not lose its storage term. It is preserved by a crust formed on the surface of the workpiece from the running berry juice and sugar. And thanks to the “plug”, air access to the product is prevented.

Properly rinsed and thoroughly dried berries are ground in a convenient way, filled with 3 cups of sugar and placed in the cold until the next day. Overnight, a sufficient amount of juice will flow and dissolve the grains of sand. According to the sample, the cranberry substance is laid out in 500 ml sterilized jars.

Circles are cut out of parchment paper with a diameter slightly larger than the width of the container (literally 2 cm) and placed directly on the surface of the raw jam. 2-3 tablespoons of sugar are poured onto each circle, and the containers are closed with plastic lids and taken out into the cold until frost.

It is possible to prepare grated sweet cranberries for freezing and storing in the freezer. For this purpose the following is taken:

1.5 kilos of cranberries,

0.2-0.25 kg granulated sugar.

The berries for the proposed dish are prepared in the traditional way: washed, dried if possible and wiped in the simplest, most convenient way. Then delicious cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

packaged in clean containers (glass or plastic) or poured into bags and hidden in the freezer. By the way, sugar can be mixed with the berry mixture or simply sprinkled on top (later, when thawing, the ingredients will still mix). Also, cranberry puree is frozen without any sugar at all, preserving the natural taste.

The technology for preparing “live” pureed cranberry and orange jam gives good results. The acidity of the berries is effectively complemented by citrus notes and a characteristic taste. Ingredients for the treat you will need:

1 kilogram of cranberries,

0.2-0.3 kg orange,

1.5 kilos of sugar.

According to the recipe “ How to cook cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

“The berries are first thoroughly rinsed with cold water, dried and rubbed, or minced in a meat grinder. Do the same with an orange, but be sure to peel it and separate the pulp into slices. Homogeneous masses are combined and covered with granulated sugar.

The mixture is placed in a water bath and heated. But under no circumstances should it be boiled! The purpose of heating is only to dissolve the sweet grains. The cranberry-citrus treat is placed warm in small jars and sealed with lids. Cool the blockage at room temperature and put it in the refrigerator. An amazing tonic and healthy drink is prepared from this preparation.

Another method of preparing grated cranberry-orange jam requires the presence of the following components:

1.5 g berries,

1.5 kg thin-skinned oranges,

3 kilos of granulated sugar.

Vanilla is also added to the dessert, but just a little, so as to only highlight the taste, but not overwhelm it.

The sorted cranberries are washed, dumped into a colander, and then onto a towel for proper drying. Ripe oranges (without peeling!) are rinsed with warm water; You can even use a soft brush when washing, removing from the fruit all the debris and chemicals that importers treat citrus fruits with. Carefully processed oranges are cut into slices along with their aromatic peel. To prevent it from becoming bitter, you need to soak the fruits in hot water (about 70 degrees) for up to 5 minutes.

Citrus fruits with berries are turned through a meat grinder. At the same time, you can skip granulated sugar for further rapid dissolution. The raw dessert is poured into jars and closed; Storage is expected in a moderately cool, dark room.

Candied cranberries are sure to become a favorite treat for kids. In principle, ordinary ground cranberries mixed with sweet sand are also considered candied, but in this recipe the berries remain intact and resemble vitamin candies. To prepare you need:

500 g berries,

500-600 g sugar,

In some cases, powdered sugar is used, which does not require as much time to dissolve, unlike crystals.

The berry harvest is sorted and washed. If possible, each fruit is pricked with a sewing needle or toothpick, so that they are thoroughly soaked in syrup. Water is poured into an enamel container and boiled with more than half of the sugar until the grains disappear (approximately this takes 3-4 minutes). Cranberries are poured with hot syrup. The container is covered with a towel or lid and left overnight in a cool place or even in the refrigerator. Sometimes the cranberries are soaked for 24 hours, after which the syrup is drained from it and used for some other purpose or preparation. And the berries straight from the syrup - while still wet - are rolled in sugar or powder, dried and poured into a dry container or plastic container. The “sweets” are put away in the cold for storage.


Not every housewife knows how to make jam from cranberries, which usually grow in large quantities near swamps. Next, you will learn about different ways to prepare these berries, which will be very useful in winter.

Lemon-cranberry juice: preparation

We will prepare this fruit drink like this:

  1. Sort and wash the cranberries.
  2. Grind the berries with sugar. This process will speed up in a blender.
  3. Place the product in a saucepan and add lemon juice and zest.
  4. The mixture is poured with boiling water.
  5. Cool the drink, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  6. Thus, the fruit drink is infused for 12 hours.
  7. Finally, the drink is filtered through a sieve or colander. That's all, bon appetit!

Benefits of berries

Now that you know how to make cranberry juice, I would like to dwell in detail on the amazing properties of these fruits. Therefore, we list the most important and interesting:

  • Morse has the property of lowering blood pressure. Iron and potassium in the berry cleanse the blood. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Cranberries are known as an excellent opponent of pathogens of a number of colds.
  • The drink is also great for the gastrointestinal tract - it improves the functioning of the system and helps eliminate toxins and waste.
  • Cranberry improves immunity and prevents the development of anemia.
  • It is very useful to drink the drink in the off-season, cold months, when our body is so lacking in vitamins.
  • Scientific research has confirmed that tasty fruit juice also has an antioxidant effect, surpassing even the famous French wine in this quality. The natural antioxidant contained in cranberries is a polyphenol.
  • It is important for mothers to know how to make cranberry juice for a child, because such a drink does not contain preservatives, which makes it ideal for baby food.
  • If you still do not protect yourself and get sick, then it will be beneficial for you to combine taking medications prescribed by the doctor with a cranberry drink. Mors will not only help the body fight infection, but also enhance the effect of medications.
  • Some sources tell us that cranberries contain quercetin, an element that resists the development of cancer.
  • The benefits of cranberry drink are also invaluable for nursing mothers - it helps to quickly restore strength and stimulates the formation of breast milk.
  • Nutritionists recommend drinking cranberry juice 1-1.5 hours before meals. By drinking 2 liters of drink a day in this way, after two weeks it is quite possible to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fruit juice is beneficial for normalizing metabolism and is indicated for people who want to reduce their weight.

We have shared with you several recipes for a delicious and healthy drink. Making cranberry juice is quick and easy - try any of the options!

Hello everybody! The other day I decided to cook this vitamin storehouse. Winter, after the weekend, allows you to cook something that has never been on the menu before. Previously, I simply diluted the jam with water and drank everything with pleasure. They treated us to cranberries, which they picked in the Tyumen northern forests in the summer. I twirled the bag and decided to throw it in the freezer until better times - usually they just ate it frozen. But then an idea came to mind. Doesn't like cranberry juice. The modern generation chooses Pepsi-Cola, all my calls for proper nutrition are in vain. Of course, we are not talking about a vegetarian diet, but I would like to teach you healthy food. Cranberry is a very healthy berry. It is used in official medicine, and culinary experts have many recipes from appetizers to desserts. Cranberry juice is considered the most popular drink both in restaurants and at home dinners.

I often cook without a recipe. I didn’t have the exact ratio of ingredients to make cranberry juice; I didn’t dare look on the Internet; the search could take forever. The gorgeous cranberries looked delicious. First of all, I carefully sorted it out and covered it with sugar straight from the sugar bowl. Water is also visible. I boiled it all and strained it through a fine sieve. The berry juice turned out to be too rich and sour. My husband liked it, but for myself I added extra sugar and boiled water. Still, you need to take a proven recipe.

Quick recipe for cranberry jam

For those who do not like labor-intensive processes, this recipe will appeal. The fact is that this time we will prepare cranberry jam in a slow cooker. A minimum of effort and time - and the most delicious and healing delicacy for the winter is ready. Ingredients:

Cranberry - 1 kg, Sugar - 1 kg, Orange - 1 piece (medium), Lemon - 0.5 piece.
How to make cranberry jam with lemon:
Carefully sort out the cranberries, rinse them and spin them in a blender (food processor, etc.). We also send orange and lemon here along with the peel. As a result, we should get a cranberry-citrus mass. Place it in the multicooker bowl and add sugar. Let the workpiece stand for 15-20 minutes and, after stirring, start the device in the “steaming” mode for 10-15 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up the lids. A bright and healthy winter treat is ready! Good health to you and your loved ones!

Classic fruit drink recipe

It's not difficult to cook. The cooking process won't take much time either. If the berries contain leaves and other forest debris, they need to be sorted out. Store-bought is usually clean and you can skip this procedure. Be sure to filter the water or buy ready-made drinking water. Recipe:

  • Cranberry 300g
  • Sugar 200g
  • Water 1.5l

Frozen berries must be thawed. It is more correct to start this process 2-3 hours before cooking, then it will be well mashed with a masher and will release juice. As options for modern housewives, break everything up with a blender or juicer. Rub everything through a sieve or cheesecloth (fold in two layers). Add sugar and water, boil thoroughly. Pour into a beautiful jug and cool.

My fruit juice at home

My composition was more complicated, I decided to cook it without sugar and took natural honey. I decided that it would be healthier and tastier this way. Recipe composition:

  • Cranberry 500g
  • Honey 200g
  • Water 2 l

The prepared berries were poured with cold water (500g) and placed on the stove, slightly drained and strained through a sieve. The warm cranberries crushed easily and the juice was released more thoroughly. This is how I make redcurrant jelly. Added the rest of the water and honey to the pan. Bring the entire mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat. It is absolutely not necessary to cook for a long time; under prolonged exposure to temperatures, the vitamins in the berries and the nutrients in honey are destroyed. A tasty, aromatic drink brought joy to all holidays

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