Canned fish cutlets - the best recipes for a tasty and budget-friendly dish

Baked in tomato sauce with cheese

If fish cutlets are intended for children, then it is better to cook them in the oven, adding delicious tomato sauce.


  • 1 b. pink salmon,
  • 2 small onions,
  • 6 tbsp. decoys,
  • 3 tbsp. thick boiled tomato,
  • 50 g Kostroma cheese,
  • 2 large eggs,
  • 3 tbsp. white flour,
  • a little table salt and your favorite spices.

Preparation: Place the contents of the tin can on a plate, remove the existing spices, and mash the pink salmon to a pulp.

Peel the onion, grate it directly into the fish, add semolina, beat in raw eggs and mix everything thoroughly.

With wet hands we form oblong products, bread them in wheat flour, lightly fry them on both sides in a frying pan. We transfer the preparations to a baking sheet.

Mix the tomato with spices, add salt and pour the sauce over the cutlets. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 190 degrees.

Then place a piece of cheese on each cutlet and bake until a cheese crust forms.

Canned fish cutlets without onions, with the addition of semolina


Canned saury (in oil or with its addition) – 1 can;

Two tbsp. l. semolina;

Small carrot;

Two fresh eggs;

Potatoes – 3 medium tubers;

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables and boil in salted water until tender. Cool well and grate coarsely. Add semolina and break eggs into vegetable mixture. While stirring, add salt, taste, and pepper.

2. Add mashed saury and, beating a little, knead the cutlet mass. Fashion semi-finished products from it of arbitrary size and shape.

3. Dip them twice in flour and fry as described in the cooking instructions.

Recipe for canned fish cutlets with potatoes and rice

Some housewives add only rice to the fish, others just potatoes. I like to put everything together. It rarely happens that both products are left at the same time, and more often it happens that I just make these cutlets on a whim. Therefore, I specially buy a jar of canned food and prepare all the necessary ingredients.

All ingredients should be approximately equal in volume. Do not add too many potatoes so that they do not interfere with the fishy taste.

My recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 can of canned fish
  • 2-3 medium potatoes
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp semolina
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil, breading.

This amount of product makes approximately 9 cutlets.

You can take any kind of rice, but not steamed

Please note that 1 cup of rice is boiled. Those

raw, you will need about a third of this capacity, and even that is a bit much.

It needs to be thoroughly washed, filled with water, salted a little and cooked until tender. Even if it boils over, it’s only a plus for us.

I boil the potatoes in their skins, and while they are hot, I quickly peel off the skins, so more gluten remains. But, as I said, something that has already been cooked for a long time will do.

We turn it into a homogeneous mass using a masher or a fine grater.

Most often I come across this recipe for some reason from saury, although any canned food is suitable here: sardine, sardinella, mackerel, tuna. But I haven’t tried herring, I don’t know what taste it will give.

I highly recommend frying fresh herring; I’ve already shared my reviews and recipe.

Usually I choose what is cheaper, then it turns out to be a budget dish.

But jars of tomato paste are not very suitable. It is better for the fish to be cooked in its own juice or with the addition of oil. There is also a dryish one designed for making salads, which will also work.

All the liquid from the canned food needs to be drained; we don’t need it. Place the contents in a cup and knead thoroughly with a fork, removing any bones.

I cut the onions as finely as possible and put them raw in the minced meat. But if you have dry fish, you can fry it a little in oil.

Well, now that we’ve got everything ready, let’s get straight to our dish.

Canned fish cutlets: the best recipes for cooking with rice, semolina and potatoes

You are here: » Cooking » Main courses » Canned fish cutlets: the best recipes for cooking with rice, semolina and potatoes

To feed your household a tasty and satisfying dinner, you don’t have to stand at the stove for a long time and use expensive products.

You can make cutlets from canned fish, which every housewife has in the refrigerator. Believe me, they are in no way inferior in taste to traditional minced fish cutlets.

We have selected several interesting and easy-to-follow recipes for you.

Features of preparing cutlets from canned fish

Canned fish cutlets are prepared quite simply. The process itself will not take you more than 40 minutes.

The peculiarity of this dish is that to prepare it you can use any canned food in oil or its own juice.

To make fillets from canned fish, simply pour the oil or juice into a separate bowl and mash them well with a fork. And juice and oil can be added to the minced meat if it seems dry to you.

Fish cutlets: recipe with photos

This recipe involves adding rice to the minced meat. Canned fish cutlets with rice turn out fluffy and very tasty. Canned saury or mackerel are ideal for making these cutlets. However, you can use any other canned food in oil. And to give the cutlets a rich color, you can add grated fried carrots to the minced meat.


  • canned fish – 1 jar;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • rice (preferably short grain) – 125 g;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt;
  • refined vegetable oil.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the rice until almost done, and then rinse it and drain it in a colander. Don't forget to lightly salt the water.
  2. We clean the onion, chop one head in a blender, and chop the second very finely.
  3. Carefully open the canned food and place it in a deep bowl. Mash them with a fork. The fish fillet is ready.
  4. Add rice to the fish fillet.
  5. Now add finely chopped onion and chopped onion in a blender.
  6. Mix all ingredients well. This must be done carefully so that there are no lumps left and the consistency of the minced meat is uniform. Season the minced meat with salt and a mixture of peppers.
  7. Lightly grease your hands with vegetable oil and form our cutlets. It is advisable to make them small so that they are well fried. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs.
  8. Canned fish cutlets cannot be stewed, so we need to fry them well over medium heat until they acquire a golden color.
  9. Ready cutlets can be served with any side dish.

Canned saury cutlets with semolina

Now let's prepare fish cutlets from canned saury, adding semolina to the minced meat. Some housewives use flour, but it is semolina that will give the cutlets a delicate and soft taste.

Tender cutlets with potatoes

What ingredients are added to minced fish cutlets to change their usual taste, for example, potatoes. By preparing fish cutlets from canned sardines according to this recipe, you will get a real culinary masterpiece.

Canned cutlets with loaf

It has already become traditional to add bread or a loaf of bread soaked in milk or water to any minced meat for cutlets. Canned fish cutlets can also be prepared in a similar way. Try it - and you will be satisfied with the result.

From saury with millet

With millet, canned saury fish cutlets are not only tasty, but also very nutritious.


  • 1 b. canned saury,
  • 0.2 kg millet,
  • 1 small carrot,
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion,
  • 0.5 bunch of fresh dill,
  • 1 tsp chopped coriander,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 tbsp. crackers (ground),
  • a little salt.

Recipes for pike cutlets with lard

Preparation: Everything will turn out delicious if you process the millet correctly. We sort the grains, removing all the black grains, rinse thoroughly in several waters and scald with boiling water. Boil the millet in salted water until tender. Drain the remaining liquid and cool the mixture.

Remove the husk from the onion, wash it, and finely chop it. We peel the carrots, finely chop them, and cut the garlic cloves with a sharp knife. Saute the prepared vegetables in refined oil until soft, but you need to make sure that they do not fry.

Now we prepare the minced meat by mixing mashed canned food, millet porridge, sautéed vegetables, chopped dill, egg and spices in one bowl until smooth.

With wet hands we form small pieces, lightly roll them in flour breading and fry over medium heat on both sides until cooked.

With canned tuna and crab sticks

An unusual recipe for canned fish balls with crab sticks.


  • 1 b. tuna (in its juice with added oil);
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 200 g frozen crab sticks;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 2 tbsp. breading.

Preparation: Drain the juice from a can of canned food, crush the fish pieces into a pulp, after removing the spices.

We take the seafood out of the freezer, let it thaw a little, and rub it with large shavings.

Wash the green onions, finely chop them, mix with tuna and seafood. Salt the mixture, beat in the egg and mix.

We make the products, bread them in breadcrumbs, put them on a cutting board and put them in the freezer for a while.

After half an hour, fry in a well-heated frying pan on both sides.

To ensure that canned fish balls always turn out tasty, appetizing and keep their shape well, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • You can get fluffy cutlets by adding wheat bran, special pancake flour or semolina to the minced meat;
  • The tastiest cutlets will be made from minced meat made from canned fish in oil and blanched fish;
  • It is best to add sauteed onions to minced fish, because... the fried vegetable becomes sweeter and softer;
  • to prepare cutlet mass, use only chilled canned food;
  • Canned smoked fish (for example, sprats) are not suitable for the recipe, because they have a very strong taste and will taste bitter in the finished dish;
  • if the mass is prepared only from lean blanched fish, then add a piece of melted butter for juiciness;
  • knead the cutlet mass with your hands, and before frying, keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • multi-component minced cutlet must contain a fish component of at least 2/3 of the total volume;
  • To make cutlets with rice or oatmeal denser, boiled rice or oatmeal is additionally twisted in a meat grinder;
  • It is convenient to sculpt products with wet hands;
  • You can serve cooked fish cutlets with absolutely any side dish, complementing the dish with mushroom, cheese or tomato sauces.

The recipe for canned fish cutlets can be varied with many additional ingredients. The meatballs are fried, stewed, baked in the oven. They are served with a variety of sauces and side dishes, so there are no limits to culinary experiments here. Bon appetit everyone!

Delicious and satisfying cutlets made from canned sardines with rice will not leave you indifferent. This is an excellent complete lunch or dinner for the whole family. They are quite quick and easy to prepare. The products are quite accessible to each of us. If you need to feed your family quickly and satisfyingly, then you will like our recipe.

To prepare cutlets from canned sardines with rice and potatoes, take the following products.

Rinse the rice and boil until done. Cool.

Boil jacket potatoes in salted water. Cool, peel, grate on a medium grater. Add to cooked rice.

Drain the liquid from the canned food, mash the fish with a fork, and remove large bones. Add chicken eggs and chopped canned food to the plate. Mix thoroughly. Season with salt and ground pepper. You can use fish seasoning.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Form the mixture into cutlets of the desired shape. Place on a hot frying pan. Fry on both sides until golden brown over low heat. Place the finished cutlets on a paper towel to remove any remaining oil.

Serve canned sardine cutlets with rice and potatoes at the table with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Bon appetit!

Today we are preparing canned fish cutlets with semolina

Making cutlets from canned fish is a pleasure because it is simple, affordable and, most importantly, fast. Cooked fish cutlets
according to our recipe are juicy, aromatic and...

Recipe for cutlets with saury, semolina and breadcrumbs

To prepare this delicious dish that goes well with many side dishes, you will need affordable ingredients.

Required ingredients:

  • 200 g canned saury;
  • 100 g each of semolina and breadcrumbs;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • fresh egg; onion;
  • garlic clove;
  • 3 g fish spices;
  • 50 g of fresh herbs; salt and black pepper - to taste.


If you need to prepare saury cutlets with semolina, the first thing you need to do is put the canned food from the jar into a bowl and mash thoroughly with a fork, while removing large bones.

After this, peel the onion and garlic, rinse and finely chop. Add everything to the mashed fish and add a raw egg.

Wash the greens, dry them slightly and chop finely with scissors. Add to the rest of the ingredients and add the semolina.

Salt, pepper, add the necessary seasonings and mix everything thoroughly to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency. After this, leave the minced meat for 30 minutes, during which the semolina will have time to swell.

After the allotted time, form small cutlets from the minced meat and roll them in breadcrumbs.

Place a frying pan with oil on the stove and heat it well. Fry the cutlets on each side until a beautiful golden crust appears. When the cutlets are ready, place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat from the dish.

Canned fish cutlets with potatoes: step by step with photos

Saira is a dietary fish. It is most common to eat it whole, fried in pieces or pickled. To do this, you need to be confident in the quality of the product, which is often problematic. Sometimes it is more convenient to use ready-made canned food.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Number of servings: 6

In the oven

If you want to adhere to a more healthy diet, then you should not fry the cutlets, but bake them. This way you can get an almost dietary dish.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • A can of canned pink salmon – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour – 4-5 tbsp.
  • Salt and ground white pepper to taste.

KBZHU for 100 g of such cutlets:

  • Calorie content – ​​152 kcal.
  • Proteins – 15.6 g.
  • Fats – 6.4 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 3 g.

Open the canned fish and place the entire mass in a container where the minced meat will be prepared. If there is too much liquid there, you can drain it. Chop the garlic very finely after the husks have been removed. Add to fish. Then beat in a chicken egg and sift in the wheat flour. Add salt and other spices to taste. Stir the mixture until smooth

It is important that it is not too liquid. If it still does not have the desired consistency, then you can add a little more flour. Pre-turn on the oven at 220°C. Before the cutlets are placed in it, it must be heated to the desired temperature

Otherwise, the cutlets may turn out too dry. Then place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Gently spoon the fish mixture onto it. Make sure that the cutlets do not touch each other and do not spread too much on the paper. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 20 minutes until a golden crust appears on top of the cutlets. Monitor their condition, as it will take a little more or less time. It all depends on how much of its own juice was in the cans of canned fish. Serve with salad or any other side dish in this form.

Canned fish cutlets: recipe with rice and potatoes

Good afternoon friends! I want to remind you about one forgotten dish that we prepared back in our youth - cutlets from canned fish. But even now I sometimes think about them and often do them.

Especially when there are boiled potatoes left over from dinner or making salads, and no one wants to eat them anymore. Or, for example, you cooked a lot of rice for a side dish and don’t know what to do with the excess.

This is where my recipe comes in handy, according to which you can whip up unusual cutlets; they turn out very tasty, soft and tender.

Recipe for canned fish cutlets with potatoes and rice

Some housewives add only rice to the fish, others just potatoes. I like to put everything together. It rarely happens that both products are left at the same time, and more often it happens that I just make these cutlets on a whim. Therefore, I specially buy a jar of canned food and prepare all the necessary ingredients.

All ingredients should be approximately equal in volume. Do not add too many potatoes so that they do not interfere with the fishy taste.

My recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 can of canned fish
  • 2-3 medium potatoes
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp semolina
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil, breading.

This amount of product makes approximately 9 cutlets.

You can take any kind of rice, but not steamed

Please note that 1 cup of rice is boiled. Those

raw, you will need about a third of this capacity, and even that is a bit much.

It needs to be thoroughly washed, filled with water, salted a little and cooked until tender. Even if it boils over, it’s only a plus for us.

I boil the potatoes in their skins, and while they are hot, I quickly peel off the skins, so more gluten remains. But, as I said, something that has already been cooked for a long time will do.

We turn it into a homogeneous mass using a masher or a fine grater.

Most often I come across this recipe for some reason from saury, although any canned food is suitable here: sardine, sardinella, mackerel, tuna. But I haven’t tried herring, I don’t know what taste it will give.

I highly recommend frying fresh herring; I’ve already shared my reviews and recipe.

Usually I choose what is cheaper, then it turns out to be a budget dish.

But jars of tomato paste are not very suitable. It is better for the fish to be cooked in its own juice or with the addition of oil. There is also a dryish one designed for making salads, which will also work.

Let me also remind you that with canned fish I make a delicious pie from ready-made Napoleon puff pastries, the recipe is in a separate publication.

All the liquid from the canned food needs to be drained; we don’t need it. Place the contents in a cup and knead thoroughly with a fork, removing any bones.

I cut the onions as finely as possible and put them raw in the minced meat. But if you have dry fish, you can fry it a little in oil.

Well, now that we’ve got everything ready, let’s get straight to our dish.

How to cook cutlets from canned fish with semolina

All we have to do is mix all the products.

I add rice to the crushed potatoes, add a little salt and mix. Despite the fact that our fish is already salted, a little salt won’t hurt, especially since rice loves it very much.

Then I add fish mass and onion, one raw egg, ground black pepper to taste.

And finally I add a spoonful of semolina. Of course, it can be replaced with flour, but I have already said more than once that I like to put semolina in all such dishes; with it, the product turns out crumbly and very tender.

I rub the whole mass first with a fork and then with a spoon until it becomes homogeneous and without lumps.

There is no need to infuse the minced meat and wait for the cereal to swell; we immediately form the cutlets. I like to make them round.

Roll them in flour, and it will be even more beautiful if you use breadcrumbs.

Fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. They cook very quickly, as soon as one side is browned, you can turn them over to the other.

And we have a full dinner ready, no meat or additional side dish needed. These canned fish cutlets are best served hot and with sour cream, it’s absolutely magically delicious with it! Try my recipe with potatoes and rice, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Bon appetit!

Author of the blog “The Comfort and Warmth of My Home” Olga Smirnova


Canned fish cutlets are a simple and very tasty dish. The delicacy can be prepared from almost any canned fish, but the best choice for housewives would be saury, mackerel, pollock or cod liver, sardine or pink salmon in oil or with the addition of it.

You can prepare delicious coletas using this step-by-step recipe with photographs at home very quickly. You don’t need any complicated equipment for this – just a frying pan and a stove.

Despite the fact that rice and canned food form soft and disintegrating minced meat, with the help of semolina, which is also included in the list of ingredients, the delicacy can be given an appetizing appearance.

Fresh dill and a few cloves of garlic will enhance and highlight the aroma of the dish, and bread crumbs will allow you to achieve a golden and crispy crust. Add salt and ground black pepper listed in the list of ingredients in this recipe to taste, because canned food can be seasoned differently.

Advice! Do not use sprats or fish in tomato to prepare the delicacy, because in this case the cutlets will taste bitter and stick to the pan, and the dish itself will have a strong smell of sprat.

Cod fish cutlets - salmon and ginger

in this recipe we use salmon, you can cook cod cutlets without adding other fish, but we decided to try this recipe like this. You can also use other fish, such as trout, pink salmon


1 kg unpeeled cod salmon 200g 1 egg one onion dried ginger dried basil lard garlic 3 cloves

1. To prepare fish cutlets from cod, we first clean the fish, prepare fillets for mincing and pass lightly frozen salmon through a meat grinder along with onions and lard

2. Cut the salmon into small pieces, add salt and pepper to taste 3. Add salt, ground pepper and half a level teaspoon of dried ginger to the minced cod, but this is at your request

4.If you don’t like it spicy, don’t add a lot of ginger.

5.It may harm your stomach. Instead of lard, you can also add 3 tablespoons of sour cream 20% fat, there are people who do not like this product.

6. Don’t forget to add one yolk to the minced fish, beat the white separately with a fork.

7. Let’s start forming the cutlets, ok, at this time we prepare a frying pan with oil.

8. Wet your hands into the whipped white foam and take minced cod in your palm and 2 teaspoons of salmon in the middle, and then a piece of butter; those who don’t like fatty foods can do without butter.

9.Dip this cutlet in egg white and then in breadcrumbs and send it to fry.

After a few minutes, turn over.

10.When forming, compact the fish tightly so that it does not fall apart. Do not set the heat to high to avoid burning.

11.Reduce heat after crust, close the lid and simmer for a few minutes until ready, put sour cream on top. As a result, they should be ready in 15 minutes

The best recipes for canned fish cutlets

Canned fish cutlets with semolina

You will need:

Sardines or other fish1 jar
Eggs2 pcs.
Semolina1 tbsp.
Mayonnaise2 tbsp. l.
  1. First you need to mash the canned food with a fork, add semolina and mix well. If you replace semolina with oatmeal, the procedure should be the same.
  2. Then stir in the onion, cut into small pieces, eggs, mayonnaise or sour cream, and salt to taste. You can add your favorite spices, dill, parsley. Greens complement the taste of fish very well.
  3. Leave the minced meat for 20 minutes, this is necessary for the semolina to swell. Form cutlets and bread them with flour, breadcrumbs or the same semolina.
  4. Fry in vegetable oil, and then you can simmer for about five minutes. To do this, add 3 tablespoons of water, cover with a lid and reduce the heat slightly.

Canned fish balls with potatoes and rice

very satisfying. You will need:

  • 1 can (200 g) canned fish,
  • 1/3 tbsp. rice,
  • bulb,
  • 2 potatoes,
  • 20 g boiled beets,
  • parsley or dill,
  • salt and pepper.
  1. Rice and potatoes need to be cooked until tender, and at this time peel the onion.
  2. Finely grate the boiled beets and potatoes, chop the onion and herbs, and then mix all the ingredients.
  3. Grind the fish with oil, stir it into the vegetable mixture.
  4. Add spices and salt to the minced meat, form into oval-shaped balls and coat with breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry the cutlets until deliciously golden brown over medium heat.

Canned pink salmon cutlets

You will need:

  • 240 g pink salmon,
  • 2 eggs,
  • bulb,
  • 3 tbsp. flour,
  • parsley and dill,
  • salt.
  1. Place the fish in a deep bowl and mash with a fork. Chop the onion and herbs, beat the eggs, knead the minced meat, mix the ingredients properly! Add spices and salt to taste.
  2. Now you need to add flour and knead the minced meat again.
  3. Don't be alarmed, the mass turns out to be quite liquid. Place the minced meat on the frying pan using a spoon, like a pancake.
  4. Fry them in vegetable oil on both sides until golden crisp, and you can serve them with rice, vegetable puree or your favorite salad.

Spicy canned fish cutlets

You will need:

  • 200 g pink salmon,
  • 2 medium potatoes,
  • bulb,
  • 1 tbsp. butter,
  • garlic clove,
  • Bay leaf,
  • a pinch of ginger,
  • tsp turmeric,
  • cardamom,
  • hot chili pepper,
  • cinnamon,
  • a pinch of sugar, salt.
  1. Chop the onion and cut the potatoes into small slices. Fry the onion and garlic in oil in a large frying pan (after all, we will mix all the ingredients on it), adding ginger. Add potato cubes there and fry for 5 minutes.
  2. Add canned fish, mashed with a fork, to the vegetables. The remaining spices should be added gradually, first the turmeric and bay leaf along with half a cup of water.
  3. Cover the pan and simmer the mixture for 20 minutes, remove the bay leaf, and now add a little cardamom.
  4. Turn off the heat, mash the mixture with a blender or masher, adding salt, sugar, chili pepper and cinnamon.
  5. Roll the formed cutlets in breadcrumbs and then fry on both sides.

Canned fish cutlets with rice

they are rolled in cornmeal

  • 200 g canned fish,
  • 300 g rice,
  • 2 onions,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 4 tbsp. corn flour,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt and pepper.
  1. Let the rice cook, and in the meantime mash the fish with a fork or using a blender.
  2. Brown the chopped onion in a frying pan.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, carefully beat in the eggs, add salt and pepper.
  4. Form the minced meat into cutlets, roll in corn flour and fry in oil until golden brown.

Canned fish cutlets with carrots

To add variety and reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can add various vegetables to canned fish cutlets. Cutlets with carrots are very tasty. For those who count calories, it is better to replace canned fish in oil with the same, but in its own juice.


  • canned fish (tuna, saury, sardine, pollock, etc.) - 1 can (240 g);
  • onion – 1 small or 1/2 pc. large head;
  • carrot – 1 medium-sized root vegetable;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • rice (cereals) – 110 gr.;
  • allspice, dried herbs, salt - optional.
  • vegetable oil - 1 or 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • breading (breadcrumbs).

Cooking time – 35 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​182 kcal/100 g.

Send the rice to boil on the stove. At this time, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion or also chop on a grater. Open a can of canned food, drain the oil, separate the fish from large bones (if necessary) and place in a bowl.

Add onions and carrots and boiled rice there. Grind with a blender or fork, break the egg and add spices. Afterwards, mix everything thoroughly. Pour oil into the frying pan and heat it up, form cutlets from the cutlet mixture, roll them in breading and place them in the frying pan.

Place canned fish cutlets with carrots fried on both sides on a plate.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Open the can. Transfer the saury to a plate and mash it with a fork along with the bones and broth.
  2. Grind the peeled vegetables on a medium grater. It is permissible to chop the onion into small cubes.
  3. Mix them with fish, add flour and cereal, beat in eggs, add spices. Mix the mixture thoroughly. To make the meatballs taste different each time, you can add juicy zucchini and bell peppers, cheese, and a bun to the minced meat.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and use it to cook canned saury cutlets with potatoes. Using a damp spoon, spread the minced meat in the form of a flat cake. Fry on both sides for 3 minutes. If it is more convenient for you to form the balls by hand, then before frying the balls must be rolled in breadcrumbs, which are sometimes replaced with flour, in a special ready-made pancake mix or in ground oatmeal.
  5. The browned cutlets should be returned to the frying pan, pour 150 ml of boiling water, and steam for about 5 minutes. This is necessary to make the food even juicier and softer.

Boiled potatoes are also added to the minced meat. In this case, cooled puree will help. It needs to be mixed in in doses so that the potato taste does not become the main one and does not interrupt the fishy one.

You can make a dish of saury even more satisfying. To do this, replace semolina in the recipe with rice. It is pre-washed in several waters, boiled until tender and passed through a meat grinder. For a jar of saury you should take 6-8 tablespoons of rice. In this version of the recipe, you should also take boiled potatoes.

Canned fish and potato cutlets are served with cereals, vegetable salads and various sauces. It is perfectly complemented by mustard, sour cream and egg sauce.

Delicious hake cutlets

We will need:

  • hake fillet – 500 gr
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • onion - 1 medium
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • loaf - 1 piece
  • milk - 70 ml.
  • dry white wine - 50 ml.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • breadcrumbs
  • butter - 50 g
  • vegetable oil


1. Cut the onion into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Soak the loaf in milk.

3. Fry the onion in butter until golden brown.

4. Add carrots and dry white wine. Simmer it a little until it softens.

5. Pass the hake fillet and loaf through a meat grinder.

6. Add fried onions and carrots, egg, salt and pepper to them.

7. Mix the minced meat thoroughly until smooth.

8. Form into pieces, roll them in breadcrumbs, and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.

9. Place on a paper towel to drain excess oil.

Serve with herbs and vegetables

How to cook delicious fish cutlets

Cutlets can be made from absolutely any fish. Seafood has fewer bones and is easier to cook with. From the river - in the opinion of many, they turn out tastier. But the cooking process is more labor-intensive; it is necessary to carefully clean it from the bones. To prepare tasty and healthy cutlets, you need to choose only fresh fish. Most likely everyone knows how to choose it, but I’ll remind you anyway

It is necessary to pay attention to the eyes, they should not be cloudy. Then we look at the gills, they should be red, without any signs of mucus

At home, the freshness of the product can be checked in this way. Fill a basin with water and place the carcass in it. A fresh one will sink in the water, and an old one will float up. to prepare minced meat, the pulp can be passed through a meat grinder, preferably twice, or crushed in a blender, or you can cut it into small pieces to make the cutlets more tender; at the end of frying, you can add a little water to the frying pan, close the lid, and simmer them over low heat 5 -7 minutes. if they are baked in the oven, then they should be baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. And no more than 20 minutes. with longer heat treatment, they will become dry and tough; in order to make the products more tender, you should add a piece of butter to the minced meat or fry the onion in it, and then add it to the minced meat along with the butter. some varieties have a specific smell of mud. You can sprinkle it with spices and let it sit. For this you can use oregano, coriander, thyme, basil. The same spices can be added to the minced meat. You can also add chopped garlic to the minced meat to eliminate the smell. and when frying the preparations in a frying pan, you can place a sprig of rosemary directly into the oil. It is enough to hold it in the oil for 2-3-4 minutes. Then remove. To make the cutlets easier to form, your hands need to be moistened with water. For this purpose, the minced meat can also be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.

Here are just a few recipes for making fish cutlets. Using one of the recipes and knowing some of the features of their preparation, you can come up with recipes yourself. And then, every time you will delight your loved ones with a new original dish.

Bon appetit!

Light canned sardine cutlets

Fish cutlets are a favorite dish for many. It is of high value because, despite its taste, it does not contain excessive calories. However, preparing such a dish is quite troublesome. For busy housewives, there is a faster option - canned sardine cutlets.

This recipe will help you quickly feed your family nourishingly and tasty. Preparing them couldn’t be easier: step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will help you figure it out.

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Number of servings: 8


  • canned food “Sardines in oil” – 1 can;
  • rice – 100 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • fresh dill – 1/3 bunch;
  • breadcrumbs - 8 tbsp;
  • sunflower oil – 10 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Place a pot of water on the stove to heat. Wash and sort the cereal. When the water boils, send the rice to cook. Cook it for 10-15 minutes, then drain in a colander and let cool.
  2. Peel the onion.
    Rinse and shake off. Finely chop. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan. Send the onion to fry until golden brown. Wash the dill under running water, shake off and chop.
  3. Open the can of canned food.
    Transfer the fish pieces to a large bowl. It is advisable to remove large bones. Mash the fillet with a small amount of butter from a tin into a paste. Use a fork or kitchen spatula. Add fried onions, dill and rice to the fish. Beat in the eggs and knead the mixture thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator to steep for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Heat a frying pan with a small (2-4 tablespoons) amount of vegetable oil.
    Add fat for frying as needed. Place the crackers on a plate. Rinse your hands under cool water. Form the minced meat into medium-sized flat cutlets. Dip them in breading and place them in a frying pan. Fry on each side for 3-5 minutes to form a crust. Then reduce heat and cook for another 15 minutes.

Tip: chefs recommend using refrigerated equipment (bowls, knives, etc.) for fish products.

How to make fish cutlets juicy

Cock balls made from lean breeds often turn out somewhat dry. To make the dish juicy, you can add melted or soft butter at the end of cooking the minced meat. You can instead add a little chilled cream or butter from a can, 2-3 tablespoons will be enough.

To make sardine fish cutlets juicy, some housewives add vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots, to the minced meat. It is also recommended to add grated potatoes.

If desired, the cutlets can be stewed after frying - this way they will be tastier and juicier. Use sour cream or a little tomato paste diluted with water for this.

Pour the sauce over the cutlets and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes in a saucepan or deep frying pan. Use a small amount of liquid to prevent the products from falling apart.

Place the fish cakes in a single layer and pour over the sauce. It should barely cover them.

Breading will also help keep the products juicy, as it will create a crust that will not allow liquid from the minced meat to pass through. In addition to crackers, you can use flour, bran, and semolina. And before breading the cutlet, you can dip it in a beaten egg.

The protein contained in fish is absorbed by humans quickly, in just 2-3 hours. While meat proteins require 5-6 hours.


For fish cutlets, you can make traditional mashed potatoes, pasta, baked or stewed vegetables. Porridge, due to the rice content in the balls, will be a bad option.

If culinary products are served as an independent dish, you can put herbs on the plate with them - dill or parsley. Leaf lettuce or spinach also work well.

Of the sauces, tartare will best reveal the merits of the dish. And if the cutlets are not very fatty, you can safely serve melted butter or sour cream with them.

Knowing how to cook cutlets from canned sardines, you can feed your loved ones tasty and satisfying at any time. After all, in order to make such a dish, you only need 1 jar of the preparation and some other publicly available products. Use step-by-step instructions to make your work easier.

Canned sardine cutlets with rice

Rice is considered a traditional side dish for fish cutlets, but since these cutlets already contain rice, it would be optimal to serve them with vegetables or mashed potatoes.

  • sardine, canned in oil – 1 can (for 240 g);
  • onion – 1 pc. (small);
  • rice – 110 gr.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • oil (for frying) – 1 or 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • breading (breadcrumbs);
  • allspice, salt - optional.

Cooking time – 35-40 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​205 kcal/100 g.

Put the rice and water on the fire to boil, and also put the potatoes on the boil.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Open the sardines and remove from the oil. Place the fish pieces into a deep bowl, removing large bones in advance.

After the rice is boiled, add it to the fish, add chopped onion and grind everything with a fork or blender.

Add grated boiled potatoes to the resulting mass, then add pepper and salt, mix well and form cutlets.

Place the frying pan on the stove, pour oil into it and fry the cutlets on it, having first rolled them in breading.

Fried on both sides, golden brown fish cutlets from canned sardines with rice, remove from the pan.

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