Red viburnum useful properties and contraindications cooking recipes

What is viburnum famous for?

Viburnum berries contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps us during the cold season and spurs our immunity to develop enhanced protection, so to speak, to have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

B vitamins help improve mood and regulate the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system.

The complex of minerals improves blood flow, relieves high blood pressure, and normalizes the walls of blood vessels.

Fiber and pectins have adsorbing properties and remove toxins, waste and radionuclides from the gastrointestinal tract.

The main time for harvesting viburnum is the days of the first autumn frosts. It is then that the berry becomes ripe, ceases to taste bitter and gains vitamins and minerals.

Viburnum preparations for the winter - the best recipes

From this article you will learn:

- a unique medicinal plant with many beneficial properties. Its ripe berries are rich in sugars, tannins, pectin and vitamin C.

The medicinal properties of the berry are unique:

  • improve heart function
  • calm the nerves
  • relieve vascular spasms
  • eliminate insomnia
  • serve as prevention of atherosclerosis
  • help with colds
  • invigorate and refresh the mind

How to prepare viburnum preparations for the winter

Viburnum preparations for the winter will be a worthy help for the body during the cold and cold season to maintain the immunity and health of children and adults.

You can make a lot of useful twists for the winter from viburnum:

  • Jam is fruits and berries cooked in sugar. Unlike jam, fruits and berries in jam must retain their shape, and the syrup must be viscous.
  • Jam is a homogeneous thick and jelly-like mass.
  • Pastila is a product obtained by mixing berry puree with sugar and drying it in the oven.
  • Jelly is a product obtained from berry juice by boiling it with sugar.
  • Syrup - berry juice with water and sugar.
  • Juice is obtained by squeezing fresh fruits and berries.
  • Drying berries is a simple, cheap and less labor-intensive method of canning.

Secrets of making liqueur

Viburnum liqueur at home stands out among other drinks due to its richness and taste. The bright red hue and autumnal freshness of nature’s forest gifts are its outstanding feature. In addition, in it you can independently regulate the sweetness and fullness with suitable natural additives (spices, seasonings).

However, the filling is not transparent. The turbidity is explained by the large amount of fiber and pectin contained in viburnum fruits. Therefore, after a certain time, the drink may sediment and separate (which does not impair its properties).

Strict adherence to technology and storage conditions will extend the life of the drink to 2-3 years.

Compared to tincture, viburnum liqueur is prepared, for the most part, from viburnum juice obtained by chopping or grinding berries.

There are two main cooking methods:

  1. by natural fermentation (without vodka) followed by the addition of alcohol (with vodka or with the addition of moonshine, etc.);
  2. through direct alcohol pouring and a long “pouring” process.

Raw materials. Competent winemakers use only high-quality berries. They should be dense, juicy, without visible damage, plant debris, signs of rot or mold. Before cooking, the viburnum is separated from the bunch.

“Treatment” with frost is extremely necessary, so special freezing of viburnum for 1-2 days is practiced. This way you can squeeze almost all the juice out of it.

After defrosting and washing, it is advisable to place the prepared raw materials on a napkin in order to get rid of excess water.

Alcohol. Any option of decent quality is welcome:

  • vodka;
  • alcohol diluted with boiled or spring water to 45-50 degrees;
  • distillate of our own production, but without smell and at a temperature no lower than that of vodka;
  • cognac, whiskey, brandy are not the most expensive brands.

Supplements . Kalinka cannot be classified as aromatic liqueurs. In connection with this circumstance, it would not be superfluous to supplement the bouquet with all kinds of spices and seasonings: citrus zest, cardamom, allspice and black pepper, cloves, ginger.

It is good to combine viburnum with the fruits of chokeberry, rose hips, cranberries, and hawthorn. But these components should not exceed half of the main amount of viburnum.

Sweeteners. In general, you can do without them, but the drink will turn out tart and bitter. And fermentation is difficult! It is best to use sugar. Natural honey is only suitable when it is added to an almost finished product.

How to use Kalinovka

A good liqueur from viburnum is sweet and sour, so it is suitable for consumption before meals. From 40-50 grams you will have a healthy appetite, even if you didn’t want to eat at all. There is no special need for cooling. Let the drink remain at room temperature.

Pour Kalinka into crystal or transparent glass glasses. Believe me, it will be very elegant!

As a snack, high-calorie salads and main courses with meat, fish and seafood are combined with Kalinka.

But don’t get carried away with the libation! The acidity of the product is such that it can be harmful in the presence of diseases of the stomach, intestines, varicose veins, and joint diseases.

Apple and viburnum jam

How to preserve fresh cucumbers for a long time Sometimes it happens that for some unknown reason fresh cucumbers wither. The apple season is in full swing, and plump apples are just begging to be put into your mouth.

And apples, jujube, also known as unabi or Chinese date, are an exotic southern plant. I want to share with you a recipe for making plum jam. Plum jam I offer you a wonderful preparation for the winter - cherries in jelly.

It is difficult to find suitable words to describe the amazing taste of apple and viburnum jam. Try making a couple of jars of treats for your family. At the end of October, the period of harvesting late berries and fruits begins. Beautiful, juicy and healthy viburnum berries especially inspire culinary masterpieces. Juices and tinctures, jellies and jams are made from them, they are dried and frozen, and Kalinniks are baked with them - flatbreads, pies and pies.

Serve this I suggest you prepare thick strawberry jam with agar-agar for the winter. This year there is a big harvest of apples. Many people don't know what to do with them.

Apple website: everything about apples, about apples and with apples...

I want Autumn - the time for pickling and pickling vegetables and fruits. I offer you a recipe for delicious. Delicious and healthy dried apples can be prepared in different ways. Apples can be Apple jam, prepared for the winter in a slow cooker, the result is simply tart dogwood, fragrant apples - gifts of autumn that you are happy to want. I offer you a recipe for a wonderful tomato sauce with apples for the winter.

If you have dried apples, you can use them to cook a wonderful, very Autumn is a wonderful time of year! She pleases us not only with the beauty of bright colors,

Viburnum liqueur (classic recipe)

This is a traditional recipe that can become the basis for combined liqueurs. It is stored for 2-2.5 years.

Place on your desktop:

  • vodka/moonshine – 1 l.;
  • viburnum berries – 1 kilo;
  • sugar – 150-170 gr.

The more sugar added to the liqueur, the thicker and more stretchy the consistency it will be. If desired, you can omit adding sugar at all.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • We fill the viburnum with sugar and fill it with alcohol (you can use not only the above, but also rum, cognac, gin). It is most convenient to do this in a glass jar. The main thing is that the alcohol is a couple of centimeters higher than the berries.
  • We close the mixture and keep it for 1.5 months (at least). Shake weekly.
  • We pass the kalinovka through a filter from a piece of gauze and taste it.


If you mix equal amounts of this liqueur with raspberry tincture (half a kilo of berries per half liter of vodka, aged for 15 days), you will get the most delicious “Kalinka-raspberry”.

No less tasty is a liqueur made from viburnum berries with honey and the zest of one lemon.


Viburnum juice has a strong anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. It is beneficial to take viburnum juice for polyps of the stomach and intestines, hypertension, climatic neuroses, hysteria and epilepsy. The juice is effective for diathesis. severe cough and whooping cough. If we were to list all the diseases that are treated with viburnum, we would have to touch on almost all human organs - the brain, the heart, the stomach, the liver, the genitals, the lungs, and blood vessels - from allergies to malignant tumors. Viburnum fruits and flowers are harvested as they bloom and ripen in dry weather. It is better to dry fruits in dryers or ovens at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Dry the flowers in dryers, the temperature is about 45 degrees. Store dried flowers and fruits for no more than 2 years. Viburnum bark is collected during sap flow (April) only from the side branches (not from the main trunk). Dry under shelters in the open air. Store for no more than four years. Viburnum has useful properties: - antispasmodic, - antiatherosclerotic, - antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, - enveloping, astringent, choleretic, - laxative, - hemostatic, - sedative, - anticonvulsant, - analgesic, - diaphoretic, - expectorant, - diuretic, - hypoglycemic, - general strengthening, fresh berries can be eaten only after frost. This is a multivitamin that increases performance, has a preventive effect against atherosclerosis, and stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. HEALTHY RECIPES FROM KLINA KALINA IN HONEY Viburnum in honey, very tasty, is prepared in a slightly different way. Viburnum berries with twigs are first dipped in heated honey, and then dried on a baking sheet in a warm oven. Such branches with berries are stored for a long time, all winter. Viburnum berries, boiled with honey, are USEFUL for colds, coughs, hoarseness, choking, diarrhea, liver diseases, jaundice. Viburnum fruits are used as a diaphoretic, laxative and emetic, as well as for ulcers and other stomach diseases. Viburnum lowers blood cholesterol levels, therefore it is very useful for the treatment of atherosclerosis. If you eat a teaspoon of viburnum berries with honey every evening all year round, this will prevent problems with blood pressure and will be an excellent prevention of stomach diseases and tumors. BROOCH from viburnum bark: a tablespoon per 0.2 liters of boiling water, heat for half an hour in a water bath, leave for half an hour, strain, squeeze, bring to 0.2 liters with water, drink a couple of tablespoons three times before meals (can be externally). Infusion of viburnum fruits: prepare as a decoction, drink all 3 times. Drink juice from the fruits, a third of a glass with honey, 3 times before meals. Viburnum MORS is a good multivitamin remedy for low acidity of gastric juice, hypertension and skin diseases. Juice from viburnum leaves is effective for increasing immunity, restoring strength after serious illnesses, and helps in the treatment of furunculosis and juvenile acne. Drink it 0.5 cups with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of honey 3 times a day. Apply undiluted juice to the affected areas of the skin. For skin allergies, take baths with viburnum: pour 100-300 g of viburnum branches with boiling water (4-5 l), let it brew, strain and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 degrees. Viburnum cleanses the air well from dust and releases phytoncides. It is probably no coincidence that in the old days there was a custom of placing a bouquet of blooming viburnum in front of the bride and groom. Berries with honey are taken for hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, and colds. The juice is a good cosmetic product for removing freckles, acne, and skin whitening. Viburnum fruits also have a calming effect. The berries are brewed like tea (1 tablespoon in a glass of boiling water) and drunk 1/2 cup 2 times a day. If there is a lack of vitamins, the fruits are eaten in their natural form, juice, fruit drinks, compote, jelly, jam, and jelly are prepared from them. Viburnum fruit drink 0.5 cups of viburnum juice, 1 liter of water, sugar to taste. Mix the juice with hot water, add sugar to taste and leave for 3-5 hours. Serve cold. Traditional medicine uses a decoction of the bark for bronchitis, tracheitis, hysteria and convulsions in children, and externally for eczema and skin tuberculosis. And to treat diathesis in children, use a decoction of young shoots (in the form of baths). As a sedative, a bark decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 glass of water. Drink it 1/2 glass 2 times a day. The decoction is also given orally to children for colds and scrofula. Sometimes it is also recommended for adults as a diaphoretic. For athletes and people of physical labor, the following composition is recommended: pour 1 glass of berries, stirring slowly, with 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours and drink the resulting mixture 3 times a day, a glass. In the postpartum period, a decoction works well as a cleanser: 7 g of bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for no more than 30 minutes, then filtered through double-layer gauze and drunk 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Viburnum berries, boiled with honey, are an effective remedy for cough, choking, jaundice, indigestion and some other diseases. How to remove bitterness from viburnum berries: The bitterness of the berries also disappears after freezing. To make viburnum less bitter and not lose vitamins and nutrients, fresh berries are rubbed with sugar (or honey) in a 1:1 ratio. Contraindications for the use of viburnum: pregnancy, high blood clotting, thrombosis and a tendency to them, gout, kidney disease. Viburnum is not tolerated equally by everyone. If you have hypotension, you can use viburnum only when absolutely necessary, for a short time, since in large quantities it significantly lowers blood pressure (even one large bunch of fresh berries, not to mention a mixture of berry juice with honey). Viburnum is used to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis, but with high acidity of gastric juice, it can only cause harm. Viburnum should not be used for a long time as a remedy for arthritis, gout, urolithiasis and kidney disease. In all these cases, we mean the duration of treatment, and not a single, episodic consumption of berries. Have you tried viburnum jam?

This is a storehouse of substances useful to humans, especially in winter to maintain immunity.

There is one warning: pick viburnum berries after the first frost so that they are not bitter.

So we need to take:

2 kg viburnum berries

1.5 kg sugar

400 ml water

We prepare viburnum jam as follows:

— separate the viburnum berries from the branches, sort them out, wash them, put them in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water and put them in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180°C;

— cook the syrup: add 200 ml of water to the sugar, stir, bring to a boil and remove the pan from the heat;

— take the viburnum out of the oven, pour in the prepared sugar syrup and cook over low heat for 30 minutes;

- remove the viburnum jam from the stove and set it aside overnight.

The next morning, bring the viburnum jam to a boil again and cook for another 20 minutes.

Quickly put the hot viburnum jam into sterilized jars, roll it up or close it and wrap it in something warm. Grandmother usually took grandfather’s sheepskin coat, but we’ll take a thick bedspread or blanket.

We are waiting for the jam to cool down.

Homemade Kalinovka with linden and mint

This recipe involves fermentation, which in technology is in many ways similar to making wine.

For 1 kg of prepared viburnum we take:

  • granulated sugar 1 kg;
  • light raisins 100g;
  • 4-5 leaves of mint or lemon balm;
  • 3-4 dried linden flowers (buy at a pharmacy);
  • boiled water 1 glass;
  • vodka 0.5 l.

We conjure:

  • Grind the washed berries in a basin with your hands, pass them through a meat grinder or grind them with a blender (turn them into pulp).
  • Place in a glass bottle or jar, add sugar and unwashed raisins, and pour in water. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cover the top of the container with a bandage or gauze and secure it.
  • Place the bottle in a warm place to ferment for 2-5 days.
  • Having noticed hissing, the formation of foam and smelled the sour berries, remove the foam and add herbs and alcohol. Mix the contents again.
  • With the addition of vodka, fermentation should stop. Let the liquid infuse in a dark place at room temperature for about one to two weeks, shaking the semi-finished product every two to three days.
  • Strain the liqueur through a piece of gauze in several layers. Squeeze out the berry porridge and throw it away.
  • Pour into a clean container and seal tightly. Let it sit for a couple of weeks in a cool, dark place. If sediment appears, filter with cotton wool again.
  • Store in the cellar or refrigerator. You shouldn’t keep it for a long time, it’s better to drink it during the season.

Viburnum with apples - recipe

Prepare all the required ingredients: wash the apples and peel them from the stem and leaves, measure out the required amount of sugar in advance, and also prepare the required amount of viburnum, placing it on a plate in front of you.

Arm yourself with a fine grater, then use it to chop the apples. At the same time, try to make sure that you do not end up with large pieces of unshredded peel. Place the grated apple in a separate container.

Now let's move on to viburnum. It also needs to be washed, after which it will be necessary to carefully separate it from the stalks, and transfer the clean berries to the same container where the grated apple is located.

Now you need to add the required amount of sugar to the same bowl. You shouldn’t add too much sweetener at once, it’s better to then taste the almost finished dish and add more if necessary, otherwise, if you over-sweet the delicacy, it can’t be corrected.

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly using a wooden spoon or spatula. At the same time, try to do everything carefully so as not to damage the viburnum, since its berries in the workpiece should remain intact .

Leave the bowl with the ingredients to sit for half an hour, during which the apples will release their juice. Next, the container with the workpiece must be put on fire and cooked until the mass darkens and decreases in size.

Now you can transfer the finished viburnum with apples to a previously prepared and sterilized jar, roll it up with a sterile lid and send it to the cellar or pantry for storage for the winter.

In this article you will find the most delicious preparations from viburnum for the winter with photos and videos: recipes for jam, marmalade and raw jam, recipe for viburnum in honey, viburnum in sugar, viburnum jelly, jam with viburnum and apples, with rowan.

Recipe for medicinal viburnum berry liqueur

This “kalinovka” can be used as a medicine for colds, two tablespoons daily for ten days.

Let's take:

  • 1 kilo viburnum;
  • 1 liter of cognac (vodka/moonshine);
  • 150-200g. rosehip;
  • 100 gr. cranberries;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of light honey.


  • We clean the viburnum from the stalks, sort it out, rinse it under running water and let it drain.
  • We will carry out the same manipulations with rose hips and cranberries.
  • Place the raw materials, honey, and add cognac into the jar.
  • Close the jar with a tight-fitting lid. We’ll put it in our pantry at home for 1.5-2 months. Every three days throughout the ripening period, stir the liqueur.
  • Then filter through triple gauze and distribute into bottles.
  • We store in the refrigerator or cold underground for no more than two to three years.

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