Mushroom broth - 5 recipes

What are the benefits of mushroom broth?

A decoction of natural mushrooms contains almost all amino acids, beneficial microelements, antioxidants, B vitamins, a little A and C and a lot of protein. What good does such a decoction do for the body?

  • Cleans it, removes all toxins and harmful substances.
  • Prevents the development of viral infections.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improves the condition and appearance of hair, nails, and skin.

The broth contains only 3 calories per 100 g and is therefore used in many diets.

It is useful during illness, when the body is weakened. Usually a person in this state has no appetite, and drinking the healing liquid is not difficult.

To make a truly healthy broth, it is recommended to cook the mushrooms for at least three minutes and drain this water. They tend to absorb harmful substances and also accumulate heavy metal salts. In the first water they will simply boil away.

Mushroom broth made from fresh mushrooms

Ingredients for preparation:

  • 0.3 kg of porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • salt and herbs to taste;
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook mushroom broth from fresh mushrooms:

  1. Boil the mushrooms whole. Then chop coarsely and place in a frying pan. Leave the broth.
  2. Fry forest products for 10 minutes. At this time, chop the onion. Add it and butter to the frying pan. Simmer the food for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil. Chop the potatoes into cubes and place in a saucepan.
  4. When the potatoes become soft, add the stir-fry with mushrooms. Reduce heat and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. At the end, add salt to the soup, garnish with herbs and serve.

Fresh mushrooms make the most rich, tasty, rich broth.

A simple recipe for mushroom broth

Mushroom broth

All recipes are given for one liter of water per 200 grams of fresh or 20 grams of dried mushrooms. To obtain more saturated broths, you need to accordingly increase the mass of mushrooms, but not more than twice. Cook over low heat in salted water for thirty minutes and everything is ready. If we want it spicier, we’ll add pepper, if we want it more fragrant, we’ll add allspice, and so on. But little by little.

From dried mushrooms

What you need for the dish:

  • 40 g of any dried mushrooms;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Step-by-step instructions for preparation:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and add water. Leave for at least a couple of hours, but preferably overnight.
  2. When the mushrooms swell, place the container with them on the stove. Boil the broth, constantly removing the foam with a spoon. At medium heat the process will take 40 minutes.
  3. Pour salt into the aromatic liquid, stir it and leave for a minute. Strain the finished broth.

Mushrooms can be used separately for cooking other dishes. The broth made from them is good to eat on its own or use as a base for first courses.

Tip: without adding unnecessary ingredients, mushroom broth can be used as a sauce for main courses, cutlets, and meat. To do this, it is thickened with flour. For a particularly delicate taste, add sour cream or cream.


  • fresh mushrooms -1 kg;
  • water – 2-2.5 l;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • black peppercorns – 8 pieces;
  • cloves - 4 pieces;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pieces.

How to make delicious broth from fresh mushrooms

Sort out fresh mushrooms, peel and rinse thoroughly. Place them in a saucepan, cover with water, add peeled onions, carrots and spices (you can add bay leaves a little later). Place on the stove, as soon as the water starts to boil, reduce the heat and cook for 1-2 hours. The cooking time depends on the final concentration you want to achieve. The longer the mushrooms are cooked, the more aromatic and rich the broth becomes. When the mushrooms are completely ready, remove them from the pan, and strain the broth itself and add salt. You can eat it straight like this, topped with fresh chopped herbs. Rinse the cooked mushrooms under running water and then use them at your discretion: you can chop them with a meat grinder and prepare a sauce, or add them to a light vegetable soup with vegetables.

From dried mushrooms

In this case, dried honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and moss mushrooms are well suited. Before cooking broth from dried mushrooms, inspect them carefully; during storage they may become infected with bugs.


  • dried mushrooms – 100-150 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • parsley root – 1 piece;
  • salt - to your taste.


Sort through the dried mushrooms and rinse several times in warm water (30-35 degrees will be enough); Place in a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave them in this state for 3-4 hours, they should swell.

Now drain the mushrooms in a colander, rinse, place in a saucepan and cover with clean water. If you need a very rich mushroom broth, then boil them in the same water in which you soaked them. Place them over low heat, and after boiling, add the parsley root. Cook for an hour. When the mushrooms are completely ready, remove, cool and use further at your discretion. Strain the broth and add salt.

From frozen mushrooms

Frozen mushroom broth always has excellent taste, is quick and easy to prepare. You can freeze the mushrooms yourself for future use, or buy the same oyster mushrooms or champignons in the store.


  • frozen mushrooms – 500 g;
  • water – 2-2.5 l;
  • salt - to your taste.


Thaw and wash the mushrooms thoroughly; if they are large, you can cut them into smaller pieces. Boil water, put mushrooms in it, add salt, and you can add spices to your taste. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth and sprinkle it with fresh herbs when serving.

From champignons

However, there are places in our huge country that are not mushroom places at all. And not everyone can call themselves a mushroom picker, allow themselves to take a walk in the forest with a basket, and then dry, freeze or cook porcini mushroom broth. And everyone wants tasty and nutritious mushroom dishes. This is where champignons come to the rescue, which you can easily go and buy at any time in every supermarket.


  • champignons – 1 kg;
  • water – 2-2.5 l;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • bay leaves – 1-2 pieces;
  • allspice peas – 4-5 pieces;
  • salt - to your taste.
  • Preparation:

Sort the champignons, peel, rinse thoroughly and chop if they are too large.

Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, pour in clean water, and place on the stove until it boils. Then reduce the heat to low, add the peeled carrots and onions, peppercorns (throw in the bay leaves later). Cook for 30 minutes. Serve the champignon broth into bowls and garnish with fresh parsley.

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Mushroom broth dishes

If there are mushrooms in the house, housewives will not have to rack their brains over the question of what to cook. You can make a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from mushroom broth:

  • Vegetable soups, for example, with young or canned green peas.
  • Noodle soup.
  • Add to risotto and paella.
  • Cream of mushroom soup.
  • Stew vegetables and legumes in this broth.
  • It is also an excellent base for making sauces.

If you pour a little while stewing potatoes and meat, the aroma of the finished dish will be even more pleasant and richer.

A wonderful option is to freeze the mushroom broth; for this you can pour it into plastic cups or ice cube trays. After defrosting, use as regular mushroom broth. One cannot think of a better diet for those people who observe church fasts. And since the calorie content of mushroom broths is only 3 kcal per 100 g, they are perfect for those who watch their figure and are on diets.

Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms has a deeper taste compared to a dish made from fresh forest products. Its aroma awakens the appetite. Dried mushrooms retain their beneficial properties for a long time.

When preparing the first dish of dried mushrooms, almost no various seasonings are used in order to preserve their delicious natural taste. In addition, the recipe for mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms allows you not only to treat your household with an incredibly appetizing dish, the preparation of which will not take a lot of time.

Cooking with champignons

Required Products:

  • 20 champignons;
  • one carrot and one onion;
  • two potatoes;
  • black pepper and salt - half a teaspoon each.

Champignon broth recipe:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms under water and cut into medium pieces. Peel and cut the potatoes.
  2. Fill the pan with water and bring it to a boil. The amount of liquid depends on the desired consistency of the dish.
  3. Heat a frying pan and add some vegetable oil. Add champignons, fry for 5 minutes over moderate heat. Stir all the time.
  4. When the water in the pan boils, throw the potatoes into it. After 20 minutes, add the mushrooms.
  5. Grind the carrots on a grater and finely chop the onion. Sauté the vegetables in the oil left over from the mushrooms for a couple of minutes.
  6. Throw them into the broth and cook the products together until the potatoes are ready. Season the soup a minute before the end of cooking.
  7. Infuse the broth for a quarter of an hour and serve. If desired, decorate with greenery.

Important: mushrooms are always cut into large or medium pieces. During processing they boil down and become smaller. Plus, larger pieces are easier to work with.

How to prepare light and clear fish broth

It is much easier to make a light broth right away, so as not to waste time on clarifying it. As a rule, the recipe is always the same and only the quantity of ingredients changes. It is recommended to prepare it from the following products:

  • fish (heads, tails, trimmings) - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - a few sprigs;
  • salt, allspice.

The fish should be well prepared: cleaned, removed giblets, rinsed. The gills and eye sockets must be cut out of the head! Otherwise, not only the appearance of the finished dish will deteriorate, but also its taste - it will be bitter. Peel the onion and carrots, cut into 2-4 parts.

Expert opinion

Borisov Denis

Assistant chef of the restaurant "Fisherman's House"

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The onion is sometimes added whole when preparing fish soup - then it turns out to have a pleasant golden hue. You can chop the onion smaller and fry it in oil before adding it to the first dish.

Pour two liters of water over the fish, bring to a boil and skim off the foam. Add onions and carrots in pieces, then cook for 15-25 minutes depending on the type of fish. The liquid should not boil too much! A few minutes before the end of cooking, salt the stew and add spices. After turning off the fire, the pieces are removed from the pan, and the liquid is filtered through gauze folded in several layers.

Mushroom broth with potatoes and bulgur

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • 100 g each of oyster mushrooms and porcini mushrooms;
  • 100 g potatoes;
  • 100 g leeks;
  • 60 g bulgur cereal;
  • 1.5 liters of vegetable broth;
  • pepper and salt;
  • 10 g parsley.

Vegetables for broth:

  • 1.7 liters of water (some of it will be absorbed into the vegetables);
  • 1 carrot and small onion each;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 3 – 4 black peppercorns;
  • 1 celery stalk;
  • a little greenery (parsley or dill);
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

How to make mushroom broth with potatoes and bulgur:

  1. First prepare the vegetable broth. Cut the vegetables into large pieces, just chop the onion in half. Leave the garlic whole.
  2. Place the prepared foods in a saucepan and add cold water. Place the pan on maximum heat and wait until it boils.
  3. Reduce heat slightly, add pepper, bay leaf and a little salt. Cook until the carrots are soft.
  4. Strain and use as directed. If you do not want to strain the broth, you should carefully scoop it out with a ladle.
  5. Peel and cut the mushrooms. Pour oil into a thick-walled pan and heat it. Fry mushrooms in it.
  6. Pour pre-prepared vegetable broth over them and bring to a boil.
  7. At this time, chop the potatoes and onions, throw them into the broth and boil again.
  8. Add bulgur and cook until potatoes and cereal are cooked.
  9. Add pepper and salt. Chop the parsley and add it to the soup at the end of cooking.

Bulgur is a cereal made from processed and crushed wheat, popular in the Caucasus, the Middle East, Pakistan and southern Russia. This product perfectly complements dishes with mushrooms.

Step-by-step preparation

Step 1:

I specifically selected small champignons for the broth. They were already clean, but I still went through them, cleaned them, and washed them very lightly.

Step 2:

Then I cut it into such cute slices, so that you can see the leg in each one. But, if your broth does not serve as an independent dish, you don’t even have to cut the mushrooms.

Step 3:

Now you can put the saucepan on gas and let the water boil. And we will peel the carrots and cut them the way you like. It all depends on what you cook next.

Step 4:

Peel the onion and cut the required amount. I chopped the Crimean onion into strips so that the color of the broth would be more expressive (but you can use any other color). If you use regular onions, the broth will be much lighter.

Step 5:

Celery is not an acquired taste. And we need to take into account its quantity. After all, he should not take away all the laurels. I cut the celery stalks in this format.

Step 6:

If the water has boiled, you can add the mushrooms to the saucepan.

Step 7:

The water should boil again, so we’ll add the remaining participants in this cut, plus the peppercorns. Cover the saucepan with a lid, let it boil again and cook. As a rule, 10-15 minutes are enough, i.e. until all components are ready.

Step 8:

About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaves, peppercorns and salt to taste into the saucepan, and meanwhile chop some fresh herbs.

Step 9:

Next, use the mushroom broth as outlined. Since I had this as an independent dish, I didn’t take anything out of the plate except the onions and garnished the broth with herbs and a boiled egg.

Step 10:

And if you just want the broth, strain it, use mushrooms and whatever else you like.

And more tips You need to know that not all types of mushrooms are suitable for preparing mushroom broth. For example, forest gifts of the second category or conditionally edible, which can only contribute to the broth everything that is bad, old or collected in environmentally unfavorable places. Cooks also try to avoid boletuses, but because of their unappetizing color. The broth is made from both fresh and frozen and dried mushrooms. Moreover, the latter, which require preliminary preparation, make the broth super tasty and aromatic. Do not throw away the water if you soaked dried mushrooms - strain, dilute and use to prepare broth. Soak mushrooms in milk if you cook puree soup using broth. Remember that champignons cook very quickly, while wild champignons take longer. It depends not only on the type of mushroom, but also on the size of the pieces. The most delicious, healthy and aromatic broth is porcini mushroom broth. The color of the broth can vary from light (fresh young mushrooms) to dark (ripe or dried). If your broth is light, add a golden color by adding onion skins or the whole unpeeled onion. When cooking mushroom broth, don’t be afraid to add roots and seasonings, but without being too fanatical. Fried mushrooms make the broth even tastier and more aromatic. This is true if you are going to serve it as an independent dish.

Peel the onion and cut the required amount. I chopped the Crimean onion into strips so that the color of the broth would be more expressive (but you can use any other color). If you use regular onions, the broth will be much lighter.

From frozen mushrooms

What to prepare the dish from:

  • 0.3 kg of mushrooms;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • one onion and one carrot each;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 30 g flour;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • optional - sour cream, dill;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare mushroom broth with frozen ingredients as follows:

  1. Do not defrost mushrooms. Heat a frying pan with oil and place them there. Cook until golden.
  2. Add flour and simmer over medium heat for a couple of minutes.
  3. Peel the potatoes and chop into small cubes. Place in a saucepan, add water and place on the stove.
  4. Boil and add salt. Then add bay leaf and mushrooms to the broth.
  5. Peel the carrots and onions, finely chop or pass through a grater. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan in the mushroom oil.
  6. Season the roast with salt and pepper and add to the broth. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Before serving, decorate each plate with ready-made soup with dill. Serve with sour cream.

For broth, frozen mushrooms should only be used as a last resort. It will not turn out as tasty as from fresh or dried forest products.

Homemade mushroom soup

What we don’t do with mushrooms! Freeze, dry, salt, marinate. When you have homemade mushroom soup in stock, your diet will definitely be varied. Moreover, you will prepare lunch very quickly.

If you can’t get out on a “quiet hunt”, go to the market during the peak season and after the next rain. Just write in advance what else you will need for mushroom soup for the winter.

To prepare mushroom soup for the winter you will need:

  • Porcini mushrooms (or boletus mushrooms, depending on your luck) – 200g.
  • Carrots – about 50g.
  • Parsley root (required!) – 20g.
  • Tomatoes (very ripe) – 400 g.
  • Onion - about 20g.
  • Greens – preferably a mixture of parsley and celery.
  • Spices: bay leaf, peppercorns (black, allspice) – 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - no more than 1 clove (so as not to drown out, but to highlight the smell of mushrooms).
  • Mushroom decoction – 300ml.
  • Sugar and salt - 20g each.
  • Citric acid – about 2g.

Here's how to prepare mushroom soup for the winter:

Peel the boletus, wash it, separate the caps from the stems and cook them with parsley (root) and carrots. Cooking time is half an hour. Strain the broth, add salt and add lemon and sugar to taste. If you get more mushroom broth than required, evaporate it. In high concentration it will become even more fragrant.

Cut the tomatoes into small slices. Cut the mushrooms into strips. Mix the ingredients.

Place herbs, chopped onions, garlic and spices in jars. Carefully place the tomatoes and mushrooms and pour in the broth.

Then sterilization is required for 35 minutes. for a container of 0.5 l. and 45 min. for 1l. The process should take place at a low boil.

Roll up jars of mushroom soup for the winter and leave to cool.

If you like this recipe, you can make soup from any mushroom using this method. This is very prudent, especially when there is a good year for forest products.

What is the best way to use mushroom soup for the winter? It is enough to add the preparation to 1 liter of vegetable or meat broth and boil for a quarter of an hour. You can season it with rice or potatoes. Soup dressings such as kharcho, rassolnik for the winter and other recipes from this section will help out in the cold winter.

To prepare mushroom soup for the winter you will need:

How to clarify mushroom broth

The longer the broth cooks, the stronger and richer the dark color, which not everyone likes. How to make mushroom broth lighter?

  • If you prepare a soup based on dried mushrooms, after soaking them, you can drain the water and cook the dish in another. This will lighten the broth a little.
  • Adding cream or sour cream will also lighten the soup slightly.
  • You can cook the mushroom broth twice. The first water is drained and used for other dishes, and the mushrooms are fried with vegetables and thrown into clean cold water.
  • Another way is to fry the carrots and onions well. The carrots will make the broth bright and golden, while the onions will lighten it.
  • If you need broth for cheese soup, then processed cheese will lighten it even better than sour cream and cream.

Cooking mushroom broth is not difficult. If you follow all the recommendations, it will turn out tasty and rich.

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