Delicious frozen berry compote. Recipe

With gooseberries and lemon

Those who love not only tasty, but also healthy drinks should pay attention to the recipe discussed below. Compote of frozen gooseberries, complemented with lemon slices, has a slight sourness and a pronounced citrus aroma. To cook it at home, you will need:

  • 250 g regular sugar.
  • 500 g gooseberries.
  • 1.8 liters of settled water.
  • 5 mint leaves.
  • ½ lemon.

Frozen gooseberries are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and water, and then put on fire and brought to a boil. Immediately after the first bubbles appear, the future drink is supplemented with lemon slices and mint leaves. All this is boiled for ten minutes, infused under the lid and filtered.

Sea buckthorn compote for the winter without sterilization

Particularly popular among housewives are blanks without subsequent sterilization. Indeed, they cook much faster both in time and in the method of preparation. Therefore, I also decided to include this recipe in the selection.

What you will need:

  • 1 kg of fully ripe berries.
  • 2 liters of water.
  • 700 g sugar.

Since sea buckthorn is quite acidic, it will require a lot of sugar. However, you can either reduce or, conversely, increase the amount in this recipe.

How to cook

Sort the berries, rinse under running water, and let the water drain.

Be sure to sterilize jars and lids using a method convenient for you.

Pour all the water into the pan. Place on the stove and let it boil. Add all the sugar and let it simmer for a few minutes.

While the syrup is boiling, place the berries in jars - there should be a little more than a third of the container.

Fill the jars with the prepared syrup to the very top, roll up the lids, turn them upside down and cover with a warm blanket.

This drink can be stored for quite a long time. However, after opening the jar, it is recommended to dilute it with water, as it turns out to be quite concentrated.

Compote recipe with photo

List of ingredients:

  • 3 handfuls of frozen strawberries,
  • 2 handfuls of frozen cherries,
  • 2 handfuls of frozen red currants,
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara,
  • 2.5 liters of water,
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Place frozen strawberries in a saucepan. Since it is not necessary to defrost the berries before cooking, this significantly speeds up the process - take the ingredients out of the freezer and brew a delicious drink. If the strawberries have tails, it’s okay.

2. Now add the frozen cherries to the pan. If the berry is sour, as is often the case, more sugar may be needed.

3. The next step is to add frozen red currants to the pan with the berries. To save time, the berries were frozen along with the branches, so now we send them to the pan in their original form.

4. Add granulated sugar. Since strawberries are almost always very sweet and aromatic, cherries are often sour, but not always, and red currants almost always have a pronounced sourness, the amount of sugar is indicated conditionally, that is, it can fluctuate up or down.

5. Add water to the top of the pan and place on fire. When the water with the berries boils, turn the heat to low and simmer, loosely covered, for about 20 minutes. Stir the compote several times to make sure the sugar has completely dissolved. Also add lemon juice or 1/5 tsp 10 minutes before the end of cooking. citric acid.

6. Let the finished compote brew under a tightly closed lid for about 15 minutes. Then cool it by placing the pan in a bowl of cold water or simply in a cool place. Before pouring the healthy berry drink into glasses or a decanter, strain it from the twigs and leaves.

According to the recipes suggested above, you can prepare compote from any berries and fruits. You can reduce or, on the contrary, increase the amount of sugar, add or remove ingredients from the list according to your own taste. However, it would not be amiss to finally share some useful tips that will help make frozen berry compote even more aromatic, even tastier, and even healthier.

  • should not be thawed
    before preparing compote , otherwise they will lose a lot of juice, and with it a lot of vitamins. If for some reason the berries have thawed, then add berry juice to the pan a couple of minutes before the end of cooking the compote.
  • It is necessary to cook frozen berry compote over moderate heat, as this will preserve most of the nutrients in the drink, and the berries will not turn into puree.
  • During cooking, foam will form; it should be skimmed off because it has no benefit.
  • The compote will turn out more aromatic, tastier and brighter if you cook it not from one type of berry, but combine several flavors.
  • And of course, the more berries you put in the compote, the richer the taste
    of the finished drink will be.

When creating strategic fruit and vegetable reserves for the sad and cold months, you can’t forget about berry compote for the winter. This type of preservation preserves most of the nutrients contained in the original product, due to which it will help the vitamin-depleted body survive until the jars can become a filling for a wide variety of baked goods and a decoration for cakes and cocktails. And, in the end, berry compote for the winter (its recipe is not important yet) is simply delicious to drink!

Delicious recipe with cranberries and black currants for the winter

What can you combine sea buckthorn with in a compote? It turns out that the ideal option is cranberries and black currants. This version of the drink will be considered the most healthy and very pleasant to the taste.

What you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn – 270 g.
  • Cranberry – 170 g.
  • Black currant – 100 g.
  • Sugar – 500 g.
  • Water – 3 liters.

The amount of sugar in this recipe is for a sweet drink. If you want a more sour version, you can reduce it by 50 grams. And the total number of berries is ideal for a 3-liter jar.

How to cook

Sort the berries, rinse, and drain.

Sterilize the jar and lid in any convenient way.

Place all the berries in it.

Place a pan of water on the stove. Let it boil, add sugar and boil for a few minutes.

Pour in the syrup, cover with a lid and let stand in this state for about 2 hours.

Pour the almost finished compote back into the pan, let it boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Then pour it back into the berries and roll it up.

The finished drink has excellent invigorating properties. It is full of vitamins and nutrients. And when stored in a cool place, it infuses and becomes even tastier and more aromatic.

If you wish, you can choose only one type of berry, for example, cranberries or black currants. Or you can make this mix from a combination of three types.

Berry compote: how to cook it for every day using a simple recipe

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine In Your Home! Today I will tell you how to make a delicious berry compote for every day. This drink has been known to everyone since childhood, because mothers and grandmothers often brew it and pour it in kindergarten and school.

Compote is prepared from a variety of berries and fresh fruits. It belongs to dessert drinks. In summer I recommend that you cook only from fresh fruits, and in winter you can use frozen ones. The calorie content of a drink with added sugar usually does not exceed 20 kcal. If you make it without sweetener, the calorie content is reduced to 8–10 kcal.

Delicious sea buckthorn compote with the addition of rowan berries and apples for winter storage

If you like chokeberry drinks, then don’t ignore this version of the recipe. In addition to a huge amount of vitamins, it contains the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which means you definitely won’t get bored on long and cold winter evenings.

What you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn – 2 glasses of 200 g each.
  • Chokeberry – 100 g.
  • Apples – 300 g.
  • Sugar – 700 g.
  • Water – 350 ml.

Before you start cooking, be sure to rinse the berries well under running water. And lay them out on a towel to dry.

How to cook

Place berries and chopped apples in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Place on the fire and let cook for about 10 minutes.

Then pour the aromatic liquid into another pan, add all the sugar and cook the syrup - bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.

Place the berries in sterile jars and fill with syrup.

Then pour hot water into a large container, lay a towel on the bottom and sterilize the jars of compote for about 20 minutes. Then roll up, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Store in a cool cellar.

Cherry compote with sea buckthorn - the most delicious recipe for every day

This is one of the most popular recipes that anyone can make. There are no tricks or features here. The only thing you should remember is to follow all the rules for sterilizing dishes - otherwise all your work will go down the drain.

What you will need:

  • Cherry – 300 g.
  • Sea buckthorn – 150 g.
  • Sugar – 250 g.
  • Citric acid – 2 teaspoons.
  • Water – 3.5 liters.

This amount is enough to prepare a delicious drink for a 3 liter jar. If you want more, be sure to increase the amount of products proportionally.

How to cook

Pour the entire amount of water into the pan and place on the stove.

Rinse the cherries. If you wish, you can remove the seeds. Transfer the berries to the water before it boils.

After the cherries, add sorted and washed sea buckthorn.

Let the liquid boil and only after that add the sugar.

Add citric acid. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Then we put it on the table and let it brew for several hours.

That's it, our delicious and healthy drink is ready. You can cook it at any time of the year - be it winter or summer.

How to make sea buckthorn compote for the winter with sterilization

Many housewives like to stock up on various compotes for the winter. And the one cooked from sea buckthorn will not be an exception. In this case, the fruits should be selected when they are completely ripe, and this happens mainly in the first couple of weeks of September.

What you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 200 g.

When preparing preparations, it is not recommended to use aluminum utensils, since contact with vitamins will lead to their destruction.

How to cook

First you need to sort the berries, rinse, remove all excess and place on a sieve to let the water drain.

Sterilize jars and lids. If you are preparing a drink for the first time, then 1 liter is enough for a sample. If you make this preparation every day, in this case you can take larger jars.

Distribute the washed berries into sterile jars so that they occupy a third of the volume.

Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and let it boil again until it completely dissolves.

Pour the prepared syrup into the jars and close with sterile lids.

Pour water into a large saucepan and place on the stove. Place a towel on the bottom. As soon as the water becomes warm, place the jars here and sterilize for 10 minutes, during which the water should constantly boil.

After this, the jars should be rolled up and placed under a blanket until they cool completely. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

The simplest recipe for frozen sea buckthorn compote

This is perhaps the most affordable option if you have frozen sea buckthorn and want to treat yourself to a tasty and healthy drink.

What you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn – 300 g.
  • Sugar – 150 g.
  • Water – 700 ml.

In this recipe we will only have the classic version of the recipe without any other additives. Moreover, it will become a real salvation in the winter cold.

How to cook

Thaw the berries at room temperature. Therefore, it is best to remove them from the freezer in the evening and leave them until the morning. Using a microwave and other devices will not preserve the rich vitamin composition.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar. Stir and wait until it is completely dissolved.

After this, dip the berries into the syrup. This will preserve all the usefulness of sea buckthorn, and the vitamins will go into the compote itself, and will not evaporate during prolonged cooking.

Bring to a boil over high heat, cook for about 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes on the kitchen counter.

Then serve. By the way, this recipe is much healthier than the one in which the berries are rolled into jars for the winter.

Lingonberry compote for children

Another drink distinguished by a high percentage of vitamins and microminerals that are beneficial to the body (primarily strengthening the immune system) is compote brewed with lingonberries. Lingonberry compote for children is cooked according to the recipe described above. For one liter of water you will need:

  • 200 gr. lingonberries;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar (if lingonberries are sour, the amount of food additive can always be increased).

Add berries and sugar to boiling water, adding boiling water. The drink is brewed for 10-15 minutes, after which it is allowed to brew and cool. Finally, you can taste the drink for sweetness and add the right amount of sugar if necessary.

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How to cook compote correctly

In order to cook delicious fruit compote, you must follow the following rules:

  • Throw the fruits into boiling water.
  • Once boiling, reduce the heat until the mixture simmers lightly.
  • For a 3 liter pan, take 2.5 liters of water and 0.5 liters of berries or fruits.
  • Don't forget to add ? tsp citric acid. It will retain bright color.
  • Add sugar when the compote is removed from the heat.

These are basic recommendations for cooking compote. Determine the amount of sugar based on your preferences, the sweetness of the fruit used and how long you plan to store the drink. Start from 100 g, but for compote for the winter you need a little more sugar.

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