Calorie content of rice porridge with water and oil. Calorie content of rice porridge with milk. Harm of rice porridge

11/23/2014 / Cereals and porridges

Rice porridge with water, BZHU and calorie content per 100 g of product
Calorie content
78 kcal
1.5 g
0.1 g
17.4 g

For the first time, rice porridge was prepared for breakfast at the court of the well-known Catherine the First; the French chef pleased the Empress with this dish. At that time, rice porridge was considered an exclusively food that only kings and queens could afford, and this dish was prepared only with goat's milk.

Benefits and calorie content of milk porridges

The most native porridge cooked in milk, with a calorie content of 98 kcal per hundred grams, is semolina. And the most useless of all that exist. Semolina is made from carefully ground and polished wheat grain, as a result of which practically no nutrients remain in it. Only wheat flour, devoid of any impurities and not carrying any meaning, can be called even more empty than semolina. And if you add butter and sugar to it, as is often practiced, such a dish will simply become a luxurious source of fats and carbohydrates aimed at changing your figure for the worse. This is not surprising, because semolina porridge with milk contains mainly carbohydrates – 85%. Very little remains for proteins – 12% and fats – 3%. In the case of semolina as such, there is no way to protect yourself, and there is no point either. The negative effect on the body from this porridge is much greater than the beneficial one: it interferes with the absorption of calcium salts, which harms bones, and due to gluten (gluten), the intestinal lining becomes thinner. The only advantages of semolina porridge with milk: calorie content and speed of absorption. It is better to add it instead of flour to casseroles and dough, and not to cook it, if you want to preserve your figure and health.

Rice porridge with milk, 97 kcal in calories, can become even lighter if you remove the butter and sugar, adding a spoonful of honey if necessary after cooking. Although it contains almost the same amount of carbohydrates - 82%, and the calorie content of milk porridges is by and large approximately the same, the beneficial properties in rice are much greater than in semolina. Firstly, it perfectly absorbs salt, which helps the functioning of the joints, secondly, it affects the functioning of the brain, and thirdly, it has a positive effect on the irritated intestines and stomach, enveloping the mucous membrane and protecting it from irritation. But unlike rice cooked in water, porridge with milk, which has a slightly higher calorie content, should not be consumed during diarrhea: despite all the benefits of cereal, milk will act as a laxative, only worsening the situation. Those with a sweet tooth who are on a diet will definitely like the variation with raisins and dried apricots: in addition to the low calorie content, rice porridge with milk with these dried fruits instead of sugar and butter is not only easier, but also allows you not to think about the fact that rice washes out potassium salts from the body: after all, dried apricots contain a large dose of this microelement. And potassium deficiency is fraught with problems with the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, and the risk of stroke.

In addition to the above mentioned cereals, oatmeal is also cooked in milk, the calorie content of which reaches 102 kcal. Compared to the previous ones, it is certainly a little heavier, but it can be a great start to the day. All nutritionists and doctors unanimously assure that you should have oatmeal for breakfast - with milk the calorie content is slightly higher than when adding water, but in fact there will be more benefits. In addition to the fact that oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate that turns into glucose in the body for a very long time, which helps maintain energy levels for a long time, it also normalizes brain function, increases efficiency and memory, and also starts digestive processes in the body. Milk actively regulates them. As a result, such a tandem can even normalize metabolism to some extent, which will contribute to weight loss. And it would seem that there are so many carbohydrates, fats and calories. You don’t even need to mention the content of iodine, iron, magnesium, calcium and easily digestible proteins. As a result, when making a choice in favor of oatmeal in the morning, you should not even think about the calorie content of porridge with milk: it is not radically different from the option prepared with water, but in terms of positive effects on the body it is a level higher.

Another cereal from which porridge is cooked with milk, with a calorie content of 80 kcal, is millet. Its energy value comes mostly from carbohydrates, of which 78%, the remaining 13% goes to proteins and 9% to fats. Moreover, it is interesting that such a low calorie content of milk porridge refers to a recipe with pumpkin, butter and sugar. For pure millet it will be higher – as much as 120 kcal. But besides these numbers, the remarkable thing about the variation with pumpkin is that it normalizes metabolism, regulates the functioning of the digestive tract and eliminates its problems, and has a positive effect on the liver and pancreas. And the latter is very important for normal body weight. If you remove butter and sugar and replace them with honey, the calorie content of porridge with milk and pumpkin will drop even lower, and the benefits will increase. Millet itself perfectly removes toxins and waste, unlike many other cereals - it practically does not cause allergies, but is not recommended for gastritis with low acidity.

Milk porridge in the diet of those watching their figure

What is worth remembering once and for all for people who want to lose excess weight or not gain kilograms again is the need to give up sugar and butter in milk porridge: the calorie content from this does not increase even as much as the fat content. And the amount of carbohydrates, which are already abundant in cereals. If you don’t have the strength to eat empty porridge, it is better to add cinnamon, which stimulates digestion and burns fats, honey, whose sugar is not as harmful as empty white, jam or fresh fruits and berries. You can even add nuts, but you need to monitor their quantity: the calorie content of this product, as well as the fat content, is quite high, although the benefits are not far behind.

Even taking into account the relatively low calorie content of porridges with milk, they should be consumed in the first half of the day, especially if any additives are added to the dish. The reason is largely that cereals are complex carbohydrates that take a very long time to be consumed. On the one hand, this is good, because they allow you not to feel tired for a long period of time, but on the other hand, being tempted by the low calorie content of rice porridge with milk and eating it before bed, a person provides his body with work throughout the night, forcing the digestive tract to stay in activated mode.

Rice porridge is an integral part of healthy Russian cuisine. Rice is rich in essential vitamins and beneficial microelements that are necessary for human health. It is no coincidence that rice is the main product of many countries. Despite the fact that in Russia there are a great variety of dishes using this cereal, rice porridge remains the most popular dish. All kinds of sushi and rolls are, of course, very tasty and fashionable to eat with or without an occasion, rice porridge with milk or water is our faithful companion on weekdays.

Can porridge help you gain weight?

Many people are overweight. But sometimes it is necessary to gain weight. It is clear that when talking about weight gain, they mean an increase in muscle mass, and not at all in fat tissue.

To gain weight, it is recommended to increase the total calorie intake so that for every kilogram of weight there are at least 40 kcal obtained from food, as well as provide food with a high protein content.

Porridge can optimally help you gain weight. They are rich in slowly digestible carbohydrates, which provide a person with energy during strength training, without which gaining muscle mass is impossible. In addition, porridges contain very useful plant proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are responsible for the harmonious interaction of the nervous and muscular systems and for the successful construction of muscle tissue.

But, if porridges for weight loss are prepared in water, without sugar, butter and salt, then in order to gain weight, porridges should be cooked in milk, with butter, nuts, fruits or dried fruits, and honey.

To gain weight, it is recommended to use porridge as a side dish for meat dishes: goulash, cutlets, steaks. Crumbly rice porridge will be an excellent addition to fish dishes.

Rice is the most common cereal not only in the world, but also in Russia. Rice porridge in water can be crumbly and viscous, it depends on the type of rice and the cooking method. The color of rice porridge on water (white, golden, cream, light brown or brown) is directly related to the selected rice. Rice porridge with milk is recognized as a dietary dish, suitable for baby and medical nutrition.

The calorie content of rice porridge with water is 78 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The product consists of starchy substances and contains carbohydrates, which are not always complex, that is, they provide energy for a long time. Rice porridge, cooked in water, contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Rice porridge with water contains high-quality vegetable protein and does not contain gluten, which makes it possible to use this product for baby food (calorizator). The product contains B vitamins, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and improving the condition of the skin and hair, magnesium, without which it is impossible to integrate calcium into the bones, which enters the body with food.

Rice porridge with water can cause constipation and heaviness in the stomach if consumed in unlimited quantities.

Cooking rice porridge with water is not difficult if you know the basic proportions of cereal and water. If you need to prepare a crumbly side dish, then take two parts of boiling water for one part of rice; to prepare viscous or liquid porridge, the amount of water is increased to three or four parts. Before cooking, rice should be washed and placed in boiling water.

Rice porridge on water is a dish in itself or an object for culinary creativity. The product will become the basis for pilaf (meat or vegetarian), rolls and sushi, fillings for pies, pancakes, salads, sweet cereals and savory snacks.

We have already written about which porridge is the healthiest, now it’s time to evaluate the calorie content of porridges. Note that the product is quite nutritious, and you shouldn’t get carried away. Mainly in the first half of the day, ideally in the morning.

  • Of course, the calorie content of different cereals is different (and we will make sure of this).
  • You also need to consider how you cook it and what you serve it with when assessing nutritional value. Additives such as butter, condensed milk, honey, sugar, fruits and berries, dates, nuts, raisins, dried apricots and others significantly increase the calorie content of ready-made porridges.

The calorie content of porridges made with water and milk is also, of course, different. There are other options - 50/50 milk with water, porridge with water with added cream, etc. And for some it’s easier to calculate the calorie content of boiled cereals per 100 grams, for others it’s easier to calculate dry cereals. We have provided for this.

Benefits of rice porridge

Rice cereal is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins and is rich in vitamins E and PP. The cereal is not deprived of microelements; it contains phosphorus, selenium, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium. It is a source of complex carbohydrates that provide the human body with energy and are not harmful, like simple carbohydrates.

When rice porridge enters the body, it absorbs harmful substances that are unnecessary for the body, which come along with other products. Toxins are removed from the body. Due to its absorbent properties, this dish is recommended for many diets (for example), and rice itself is often the main component of weight loss diets. For the same reason, it is advised to eat when poisoned.

The dish can help normalize sleep, enhance lactation, and even eliminate bad breath.

The most common white rice is used in the preparation of many dishes. It cooks quickly and is easy on the stomach. But brown rice is healthier. It is not processed, contains more nutrients than white, and is a little more than 100 kcal. It will take more time and a little more work to prepare, but it will be much healthier using brown rice milk. Brown rice husks contain 80% more complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is allowed to be consumed even by people prone to food allergies.

Calorie content of rice porridge

Cereals contain 340 kcal. per 100 grams of product. But the calorie content of rice porridge is three times less! For example, the calorie content of rice porridge with water is 78 kcal, and rice porridge with milk is 100 kcal. Why is there a noticeable difference in calories between dry and cooked? To explain the situation, let's take rice porridge cooked in water. Water has no calories, everyone knows this. When cooked, rice absorbs liquid and expands several times. The size of the grains increases, but the calorie content, of course, does not. Accordingly, if you cook porridge with milk, the rice will absorb it too. We will prepare a dish with more calories, but no less healthy. After all, milk is a source of not only a number of vitamins, but also animal protein, which our body needs.

Beneficial features

Porridge is recommended as a dietary food for people with gastric and intestinal disorders, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Due to the fact that rice actively absorbs harmful substances, porridge is a necessary remedy for those on a diet, during which the body is cleansed of toxic substances and toxins. At the same time, the skin, hair, and nails receive the necessary elements, sleep, the functioning of the nervous system, and the condition of the body as a whole improves. This dish is also very useful for nursing mothers.

Rice porridge with water is used as baby food, since rice does not contain gluten, unlike, for example, wheat. But it should be remembered that porridge made from refined rice can harm the heart and blood vessels, cause kidney stones, and increase blood pressure. And this is not the entire list of possible negative consequences.

Calorie content of other types of rice porridge

We looked at the calorie content of milk rice porridge and water dishes. But Russian cuisine is rich in a variety of recipes using seemingly ordinary products.

For example, you can cook rice porridge with sugar and butter. To do this, after the rice is cooked, salt and sugar are added to it, the porridge is beautifully placed on a plate, and we add a few small pieces of butter. The dish turns out tasty and satisfying. But the calorie content of rice porridge with butter will be as much as 175 kcal! It’s better to indulge in such an appetizing porridge for breakfast. Porridge with butter can be cooked with milk, water, or both. When milk is added, the nutritional and energy value of rice porridge increases. The calorie content of rice porridge with milk and butter will be even higher, so this dish is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

Sugar in porridge can be replaced with dried fruits. Rice porridge with raisins is popular; it has a calorie content of 140. Raisins are very good for health, but you don’t need to add too much of them to the dish. Half a glass is enough to add sweetness to the dish and supply the body with additional nutrients and energy.

Another option for a tasty and healthy dish is rice porridge with pumpkin, the calorie content of which is 80 kcal. Pumpkin will give the porridge an unusual, pleasant taste and a yellowish color. It will reduce the overall calorie content of the dish, since pumpkin is low in calories, supplying it with additional beneficial vitamins and microelements.

It is healthy to combine several different grains. Rice and millet porridge, for example, combines the beneficial properties of both cereals, supplying the body with the necessary substances. The calorie content of rice and millet with milk is 133 kcal.

How many calories are in rice porridge with water?

The calorie content of rice porridge in water without oil, per 100 grams, is:

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) rice porridge on water in gr. per 100 grams:

Prepare porridge according to this recipe:

Rice - 1 glass. — (860 kcal)

Butter – 20 g. – (150 kcal)

Water - 3 glasses.

How to cook:

  • We wash the rice.
  • Bring the water to a boil, add salt and cook the porridge over high heat for 3 minutes.
  • Close the lid and cook over low heat until the cereal swells.
  • Add the oil and cook without stirring for another 20 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and let stand for 20 minutes.

Based on the posted recipe:

The calorie content of rice porridge with water and oil, per 100 grams, is:

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) rice porridge on water in gr. per 100 grams:

Great video with a great recipe!

And further:

Cooking rice has its own secrets. First of all, you need to understand that different types and varieties of rice are suitable for different dishes. This is due to the fact that different rice has different starch, and therefore the interaction with water is different for all varieties. Rice is almost always rinsed before cooking (with the exception of risotto or glutinous rice dishes), and some recipes require pre-soaking.

Harm of rice porridge

It can be harmful due to the low quality of the cereal.
It may be poorly cleaned or treated with harmful substances. For certain degrees of obesity, it is not recommended to overuse rice cereals. With regular constipation, rice porridge can also have a harmful effect. When eating rice, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Experts do not recommend using mono diets on rice. Rice is a cereal crop originally from Asian countries, which has gained popularity all over the world due to its taste and nutritional properties. Rice comes in all sorts of varieties and colors, depending on where it is grown and the type of processing, for example:

  1. Brown (raw);
  2. White (polished);
  3. Medium polished;
  4. Steamed;
  5. Crushed (rice processing product).

White rice has few vitamins, brown rice has the most, and steamed rice has an average amount, due to the special processing of the grain.

Next, let’s find out what benefits or harms the most popular white rice in our country has for the body. It contains very important trace elements and vitamins, as described in the table, the benefits of which are also well studied.

NameContentDaily requirement %
Co (cobalt)1 mg100
H (biotin)3.5 mcg0.35
PP (niacin)1.6 mg6.4
K (potassium)100 mg5
Ca (calcium)8 mg0.8
E (tocopherol)0.45 mg4.5
Mg (magnesium)48 mg14
B9 (folic acid)19 mcg2
B1 (thiamine)0.08 mg5.3
B5 (panthenol)0.4 mg6
B6 (pyridoxine)0.18 mg9
Fe (iron)1.02 mg7
Cu (copper)0.25 mg17
B2 (riboflavin)0.04 mg2.5
Zn (Zinc)0.45 mg4.5

Rice contains manganese and chromium, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous and reproductive systems, hematopoiesis and energy processes, the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins. The benefits of rice for problems with the gastrointestinal tract are irreplaceable; it helps with diarrhea, eliminates constipation, thanks to, improves intestinal motility.

For the cardiovascular system, blood and removal of toxins, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.

There are noticeable benefits of regular consumption of rice for hair, skin and nails, teeth, strengthening muscles and bones. Helps fight salt deposits, which improves the condition of joints. Also significantly improves appetite.

If we talk about harm, then rice can cause constipation and even provoke hemorrhoids, especially for the white variety. In case of diabetes, there may be harm from the high content of easily digestible carbohydrates in rice. Often, harm occurs against the background of acute stomach diseases, so you need to be careful and consult your doctor. You should properly consume rice with other foods, because if combined incorrectly, rice can harm your figure due to excess food.

Recipe Rice porridge with milk. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of “Rice porridge with milk”.

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content99.3 kcal1684 kcal5.9%5.9%1696 g
Squirrels2.5 g76 g3.3%3.3%3040 g
Fats0.8 g56 g1.4%1.4%7000 g
Carbohydrates20.4 g219 g9.3%9.4%1074 g
Alimentary fiber0.8 g20 g4%4%2500 g
Water76.3 g2273 g3.4%3.4%2979 g
Ash0.343 g~
Vitamin A, RE2.1 mcg900 mcg0.2%0.2%42857 g
Retinol0.002 mg~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.02 mg1.5 mg1.3%1.3%7500 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.038 mg1.8 mg2.1%2.1%4737 g
Vitamin B4, choline20.61 mg500 mg4.1%4.1%2426 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.106 mg5 mg2.1%2.1%4717 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.053 mg2 mg2.7%2.7%3774 g
Vitamin B9, folates6.09 mcg400 mcg1.5%1.5%6568 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid0.11 mg90 mg0.1%0.1%81818 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.106 mg15 mg0.7%0.7%14151 g
Vitamin H, biotin0.925 mcg50 mcg1.9%1.9%5405 g
Vitamin RR, NE1.0621 mg20 mg5.3%5.3%1883
Niacin0.407 mg~
Potassium, K60.87 mg2500 mg2.4%2.4%4107 g
Calcium, Ca30.72 mg1000 mg3.1%3.1%3255 g
Silicon, Si26.42 mg30 mg88.1%88.7%114 g
Magnesium, Mg16.6 mg400 mg4.2%4.2%2410 g
Sodium, Na15.5 mg1300 mg1.2%1.2%8387 g
Sera, S12.68 mg1000 mg1.3%1.3%7886 g
Phosphorus, Ph59.6 mg800 mg7.5%7.6%1342 g
Chlorine, Cl31.12 mg2300 mg1.4%1.4%7391 g
Aluminium, Al11.9 mcg~
Bor, B31.7 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.284 mg18 mg1.6%1.6%6338 g
Yod, I2.51 mcg150 mcg1.7%1.7%5976 g
Cobalt, Co0.478 mcg10 mcg4.8%4.8%2092 g
Manganese, Mn0.3335 mg2 mg16.7%16.8%600 g
Copper, Cu68.75 mcg1000 mcg6.9%6.9%1455 g
Molybdenum, Mo2.087 mcg70 mcg3%3%3354 g
Nickel, Ni0.713 mcg~
Tin, Sn3.57 mcg~
Selenium, Se4.227 mcg55 mcg7.7%7.8%1301 g
Strontium, Sr4.04 mcg~
Fluorine, F70.81 mcg4000 mcg1.8%1.8%5649 g
Chromium, Cr0.92 mcg50 mcg1.8%1.8%5435 g
Zinc, Zn0.4703 mg12 mg3.9%3.9%2552 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins19.067 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)1.3 gmax 100 g
Glucose (dextrose)0.024 g~
Maltose0.045 g~
Sucrose0.103 g~
Fructose0.018 g~
Essential amino acids
Arginine*0.135 g~
Valin0.111 g~
Histidine*0.045 g~
Isoleucine0.087 g~
Leucine0.164 g~
Lysine0.069 g~
Methionine0.042 g~
Methionine + Cysteine0.079 g~
Threonine0.063 g~
Tryptophan0.026 g~
Phenylalanine0.098 g~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine0.174 g~
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin0.103 g~
Aspartic acid0.143 g~
Glycine0.085 g~
Glutamic acid0.317 g~
Proline0.087 g~
Serin0.087 g~
Tyrosine0.077 g~
Cysteine0.037 g~
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol1.66 mgmax 300 mg
beta sitosterol5.284 mg~
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.4 gmax 18.7 g
14:0 Miristinovaya0.003 g~
16:0 Palmitinaya0.048 g~
18:0 Stearic0.011 g~
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.085 gmin 16.8 g0.5%0.5%
18:1 Oleic (omega-9)0.085 g~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.05 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g0.4%0.4%
18:2 Linolevaya0.05 g~
Omega-6 fatty acids0.1 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g2.1%2.1%

The energy value of Rice porridge with milk is 99.3 kcal.

Primary Source: Created in the application by the user. Read more.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Calorie content

Depending on the type of rice, it can contain from 280 to 330 kcal, and in unpolished rice, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly than in white rice, so they have different. If we talk about the calorie content of white rice, it has a fairly high energy value.

Calorie content of rice cereal per 100 grams of dry product

With milk

Many people have loved milk rice porridge with butter and sugar since childhood, but how many calories does it contain?

Rice porridge with milk contains about 187 kcal/100 grams, ideal for breakfast, provides energy for the whole day, and can be used in a children's menu.

If you want to reduce the energy value of porridge, you can dilute the milk with water.

Table: Calorie content of ready-made milk rice porridge

With meat

Rice goes well with meat, fish and poultry. Rice with poultry is best suited for a dietary diet; the calorie content of the dish is only 107 kcal/100g.

Table: Calorie content of prepared rice porridge with meat

NameQuantityfatscarbohydratessquirrelsTotal kcal
Long grain rice (1 cup)220 gr1.316215.4722
Water (3 glasses)720 ml0000
Chicken fillet300 gr3.6069.3309.6
Carrots (1 piece)100 gr0.16.91.333.7
Onion (1 piece)100 gr010.41.4047.7
(2 tbsp)60 ml29.9600270
Total calories per 5 servings/270 grams1350 gr3157173501383

With pumpkin

Rice porridge with pumpkin is very healthy, tasty and beautiful. The energy value of porridge with pumpkin is only 136 kcal/100 grams.

Porridge with pumpkin, seasoned with butter, is a little higher in calories, but many vitamins are fat-soluble and will therefore be well absorbed.

Table: calorie content of ready-made rice porridge with milk and pumpkin

With raisins

Rice with raisins is prepared for the Christmas holidays; this dish is called kutya. This is a fairly high-calorie dish, but you can make it low-calorie if you remove the most high-calorie foods from it: poppy seeds, nuts and dried apricots. It will turn out delicious, with a calorie content of only 142 kcal/100 grams. If you cook rice porridge with raisins not in water but in milk, the calorie content will increase by approximately 30 kcal/100 grams.

Rice porridge with milk is a tasty and nutritious product for people of all ages. Many people are familiar with this dish from childhood. It is not surprising that rice is what mothers cook for their babies. There are a lot of useful substances in cereals. It is great for dietary nutrition and first feeding. The calorie content is minimal, due to which absorption occurs quickly and there is no heaviness in the stomach. How many calories are in milk porridge?



• rice (round or long) – 1 cup; • water – 600 g; • salt – 0.5 small spoon.


Rinse the rice thoroughly first with warm water and then with hot water. First, the rice will be cleansed of starch, and hot water will remove the fat that may appear on the rice grains during storage.

The volume of water directly depends on the type of rice, and on the purpose of preparation - obtaining a boiled porridge or, conversely, crumbling. As a rule, the proportional ratio of rice to water is 1:1.5, but this is only an approximate figure.

After washing, the rice is poured into boiling water while adding oil (if desired). For the first 5-10 minutes, stir the cereal from time to time, and then cover with a lid. Leave to simmer over low heat until cooked (about half an hour or more).

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Sprouted wheat The use of this product has been known for a long time, since the times of Ancient Rus', when sprouted wheat grains were widely used for preparing various dishes, porridges and soups. Later, sprouted wheat was somewhat forgotten, but nowadays its use is becoming popular again.
Semolina porridge on water Semolina porridge is a cereal with a unique composition, made from finely ground wheat. It is divided into subspecies depending on what wheat was used to prepare the cereal: hard, soft or mixed varieties. Semolina was prepared in Rus' back in the Middle Ages, but semolina was not available to ordinary people for a very long time; only truly wealthy people ate it. The reason was its high cost.
Barley porridge with milk Barley porridge was first mentioned in the Stone Age, in Egypt and Syria. Today, this cereal grows both in Africa and in the mountains of Tibet.
White rice White rice is a widespread cereal crop of the cereal family. Thailand and Vietnam are considered to be the birthplace of rice, where it is a national food product. Today it is grown in many countries around the world, mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. The word “rice” itself appeared in Russia around the end of the 19th century. White rice goes through all stages of polishing, so it is white, but can also be translucent. It is divided into long-grain, medium-grain and round-grain.

Nutritional value

Calorie content of 100 g of dry rice is 320 kcal. During the cooking process, the cereal increases in size three to four times. Accordingly, the energy value decreases. But the number of calories also depends on other ingredients (fat content of milk, butter, salt).

How many calories are in milk porridge (average values ​​taken):

  • calorie content of rice with milk – 97 kcal;
  • milk porridge with prunes – 112 kcal;
  • milk dish with pumpkin – 96 kcal.

If you replace butter and sugar with a spoon of honey, the amount of kcal will decrease even more.

Energy value of milk rice porridge:

Milk rice porridge recipe



  • rice – 1 glass;
  • milk – 4 glasses;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons;
  • 1 egg.

Cooking rice porridge


  1. Rinse the cereal in warm water.
  2. Add rice to boiling milk.
  3. Cook over low heat until the porridge becomes thick. If necessary, add milk (each variety cooks differently).
  4. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, butter. Cook and let stand for a couple more minutes.

How many kcal are in such a dish - 145. If you remove butter, egg, sugar, you get 97-100 kcal. To further reduce calories, choose milk with less fat.

Each woman prepares rice in her own way. Instead of sugar, you can add jam, candied fruits, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, honey, ground poppy seeds. Of course, the energy value number will change. But not much.

There is a practice of cooking rice. It is first soaked in water, and then washed and cooked. As a result, starchy substances are washed out of the cereal. It turns into a porous sponge and absorbs salts and waste well.

Benefits of rice

Our ancestors cooked rice porridge in clay pots in the oven. It was usually served at the festive table. Today it is a traditional breakfast for adults and children.

Useful properties of rice porridge:

  • cereal absorbs salt, which has a beneficial effect on joint function;
  • helps brain activity;
  • protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • Rice does not contain gluten, which irritates the fragile stomachs of small children, so cereals are excellent for first feeding (does not cause indigestion or allergies in children under one year old);
  • it is a source of complex carbohydrates, which gradually release energy to the body and significantly reduce the need for sugar and fat; saturation is felt longer;
  • rice groats are a natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste; as a result, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, digestive, nervous and other body systems improves;
  • the vitamin and mineral composition of rice is varied and rich; it contains phosphorus, potassium, selenium, calcium, copper, iron, vitamins B, E, PP, etc.

The benefits of rice dishes are enormous. It is believed that children who regularly consume it develop better intelligence. There are rice-based diets and fasting days. There is a method of cleansing with cereals (it has many contraindications).

Composition of rice porridge with milk

The main ingredient of rice porridge is, of course, rice. In total, more than 10,000 different varieties of this cereal are currently known, but not all can be found for sale on supermarket shelves.

However, all varieties are divided into three types:

  • long grain;
  • medium grain;
  • round grain.

Each type of rice is preferable for certain dishes to maintain the correct consistency and good appearance.

Choosing milk for porridge is not difficult. The rule here is: the fattier it is, the tastier it is.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of rice porridge with milk

The nutritional value and chemical composition of milk rice porridge depends on the type of rice from which it is prepared, as well as on the fat content of the milk and the amount of sugar.

If we consider the indicators on average, this is what we get:

  • Proteins – 2.50;
  • Fats – 3.10;
  • Carbohydrates – 16.00.

Rice grain protein is similar in composition to protein of animal origin, so rice is usually present in the diet of vegetarians, as it compensates for the lack of amino acids in the body, which is formed as a result of “meat” starvation. Rice is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2 and B6), and also contains microelements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and others.

The high starchy content of rice cereals was also noted.

Calorie content of rice porridge with milk

For a person who follows not only the principles of proper nutrition and a balanced diet, but also a diet, the caloric content of the prepared food is undoubtedly important.

It is clear that the calorie content of rice porridge depends not only on the calorie content of the cereal, because it remains unchanged (unless you cook porridge from exotic varieties, the calorie content of which is several times higher than that of ordinary rice), but also on the fat content of the milk, the amount of sugar and butter, which is usually added to the finished dish.

According to average indicators, the calorie content of rice milk porridge is about 100 kcal per 100 grams of finished dish


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Rice porridge with milk and butter (no sugar)

Jump to navigation. Rice porridge with milk is a dish familiar from childhood, which each of us evokes our own memories and emotions. Some enjoy this tasty and nutritious product even in adulthood, but for others, rice porridge is exclusively a greeting from childhood. With all this, it is worth noting that rice milk porridge is one of the healthiest. People who are forced to stick to diets cannot do without it, and it is also one of the first to be used for feeding a baby. The calorie content of rice porridge with milk is 97 Kcal, and the same porridge cooked in water contains only 78 Kcal per g. For comparison: oatmeal with milk contains Kcal.

In my opinion, you can’t think of a better option, especially for families with small children.

Beneficial properties of rice porridge with milk

  • Cereal porridges are an integral part of the human diet
    , as they contain carbohydrates, starch and natural dietary fiber that are so necessary for humans. Rice in this sense is simply the king of cereals, since it contains almost half of the periodic table, as well as complex carbohydrates that can accumulate in a person’s muscle mass, thereby allowing energy to be consumed not immediately, but gradually.
  • In addition, rice is a famous absorbent
    , that is, a product that removes harmful substances from the body. This quality of rice cereal is known to nutritionists, and based on this, rice firmly occupies a place in the dietary menu, not only because of its low calorie content, but also because it has cleansing properties.
  • A distinctive feature of rice is that it does not contain gluten
    (or gluten), which irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing disorders of the human digestive system. Therefore, rice dishes can be included in the menu of even the smallest children without doubt or fear.
  • Rice is a fixative
    , so a decoction of rice cereal is used for diarrhea and various disorders.

As you can see, rice porridge is not only incomparably tasty, but also undeniably healthy. Let's look at it from the other side.

Is it possible to eat porridge on a diet?

Experts in the field of proper nutrition recommend eating porridge for breakfast. Cereals are quite a filling and nutritious option for a morning meal.

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, you should adhere to a number of simple rules:

  1. Choose whole grains, they contain more protein, fiber, and retain essential microelements and vitamins for humans.
  2. The ideal version of porridge is in water, without adding other ingredients. Sugar is prohibited. Salt is used to a minimum.
  3. To add flavor, the food can be flavored with a spoonful of honey, pieces of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and herbs.
  4. The most effective option is to alternate different types of grain. The body receives varied and healthy nutrition throughout the week.

A special express diet has been developed based on cereals. It is designed for 3-5 days. During this period, you are allowed to eat only porridges prepared using a special method.

  • Ø pour 4.5 tablespoons of cereal (buckwheat, oatmeal) into a container;
  • Ø pour boiling water over the mixture;
  • Ø leave tightly wrapped for 20-30 minutes;
  • Ø add a little water, boil for 5 minutes;
  • Ø Divide into 3 portions;
  • Ø Consume warm during the day.

In addition to cereals, it is allowed to drink fermented milk products and 200 g of unsweetened fruits or vegetables.

However, most nutritionists recommend extremely rarely resorting to all kinds of diets. Getting your figure in order without harming your health is possible only with a balanced diet and physical activity.

Harm of rice porridge with milk

Rice cereal itself cannot cause harm to the human body. However, in the modern food industry, various methods are used to process rice before packaging and delivery to stores: to preserve the appearance and increase the shelf life of the cereal, deep cleaning is used.

With it, beneficial substances are lost, and other microelements that are harmful to the body are acquired, causing damage to the digestive tract, heart, blood vessels and other organs and systems. You can avoid all this by carefully choosing products and paying attention to the processing method indicated on the label.

Recipe for rice porridge with milk

So, let's prepare milk rice porridge according to the classic recipe: for 1 glass of rice cereal, take 1.5 liters of milk and 3-5 tablespoons of granulated sugar (to taste).

Cooking steps:

  • Fill a glass of rice with two glasses of water, add a little salt and put it on the stove;
  • When the water has boiled, add milk and sugar, mix thoroughly;
  • After the milk has boiled, turn off the stove and let the porridge simmer a little;
  • Ready! Add butter and sugar (if not sweet enough) and enjoy!

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Rice is a product for a slim figure

The paradox of using rice for weight loss is that most modern diets are based on limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, which rice, in turn, as we have already found out, is rich in. However, rice is included in the menu of many diets, and it is very difficult to figure out what is truth and what is fiction on the Internet, so we will provide basic information.

So, rice is a low-calorie product, and this is what its use in the diet menu is based on.

And now a few myths about rice that are quite common:

  • The content of essential amino acids in rice is so high that the destruction of muscle tissue during fasting is prevented;
  • Rice speeds up metabolism;
  • Rice regulates appetite;
  • Removes salts, helps with diseases of the spine;
  • other.

Variety of rice dishes

Rice cereal is a component of many dishes.

Here is just a short list of dishes using rice, with the exception of the familiar milk rice porridge:

  • pilaf;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • all kinds of rice casseroles;
  • risotto;
  • paella;
  • rolls;
  • and many others.

Rice can also be used as a side dish for meat, fish, chicken, turkey - in this regard, it is a universal addition to the main dish.

Milk porridge in the diet of those watching their figure

As we found out earlier, the calorie content of rice milk porridge is quite low - about 100 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

But is this so little for a person losing weight?

  • Of course, a healthy person will not limit himself to 100 grams of porridge for any meal
    , so it is recommended to eat porridge in the morning for breakfast. This is an ideal start to the day, as grains are perfectly digestible in the morning, are not “heavy” food, and also give a boost of energy for the whole day.
  • You can also have milk porridge for lunch
    - it is good as a second course.
  • Well, finally, you can eat a plate of porridge for dinner
    , but the main rule of a healthy dietary dinner is to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Afterwards only kefir, green tea or clean drinking water.

Crispy rice porridge on water

The dish will be an ideal side dish for fatty meat or goulash. It will also go well with soy sauce and various vegetables.

  • Round rice (preferably Krasnodar) - 0.5 kg;
  • Purified water - 4 glasses;
  • Table salt - 5 g;
  • Butter (fat) - depending on preference.
  • Cooking time: 55 minutes.

    Calorie content of the finished product: 100 grams/110 kcal.

    You should start with the procedure of “bathing” the rice in cold and then in warm water. You need to choose a pan with a thick bottom. Pour purified water into it and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared rice into already boiling water and add salt.

    For the first five minutes, the porridge must be stirred constantly. Then cover with a lid and reduce heat. The rice needs to simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning.

    When all the liquid has boiled away, remove the pan from the heat and place it on a wooden board. Cover the lid with a towel and leave to sit for 20 minutes. Melt the butter in a water bath and add to the finished porridge.

    Rice diets

    The Internet is replete with recipes for express and mono diets. The benefits of such a diet, frankly speaking, are not enough, and the kilograms lost with such difficulty will return in double size within a week after giving up the “rice” fast. Therefore, such a rice diet cannot be called complete and healthy.

    However, rice can still be used for dietary purposes, as it is a low-calorie side dish. It is preferable to use brown rice for these purposes, since it is not subjected to deep processing, only the upper part is removed from it - the husk, which is not suitable for food. This rice is even richer in vitamins, which is very important if you have dietary restrictions.

    The good thing about the rice diet is that you can eat quite a lot of cereal cooked in water.

    , without caring that the permissible calorie threshold will be exceeded. However, there are also contraindications: for example, rice should be consumed with caution by people suffering from constipation, and in general problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

    For those who do not like to go hungry, there is a weekly diet in which, in addition to cereals, you are allowed to consume low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes). With such a diet, you can diversify and balance your diet well, and even add boiled chicken breast to it. Then the rice diet will give significant results without spoiling your health and mood!

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