Sauerkraut cabbage soup: a step-by-step recipe for a rich first. Recipes for sauerkraut cabbage soup with pork and beef broth

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In the distant past, fresh cabbage was used to prepare cabbage soup. They began to add onions to the first dish, later - meat on the bone and without it, softened lard, and mushrooms. Rich people had the opportunity to prepare the dish using hearty options, but preferred cabbage soup made from sauerkraut.

People liked daily soups more. The technology for their preparation involved not only boiling the meat, but also simmering in the oven for a long time, about a day, which is why cabbage soup got its name. This is due to the fact that the dish was not considered ready-to-eat; it had to be infused so that each ingredient would give off its own taste. Only the next day it was served to the table. Cabbage soup was prepared for a large family in impressively sized cast iron pots. After they were infused, they were frozen to preserve them for a longer time. For lunch, they cut off a piece of the required size, heated it and poured it into plates.

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About sour cabbage soup

In a distant kingdom, far away, there lived a famous scientist, Professor of sour cabbage soup.

He cooked cabbage soup perfectly, and every day in the morning, he always cooked three large cauldrons.

And together with the population, with great pleasure I ate sour, cabbage, cabbage soup, delicious, delicious.

And in the evenings, day after day, he burned a lot of candles - He wrote a book for his descendants about the benefits of sour cabbage soup.

But one day I had a dream, Professor, very strange! As if he were a professor Not cabbage soup, but porridge with semolina.

And in the morning he surprised everyone. He cooked semolina porridge! - Well, just delicious! - The population said.

This topic is a continuation of the debate that began not long ago in a post called About how we cooked cabbage soup. Impressed by the comments and, on the advice of friends, I decided to deepen the topic and cook borscht not from Fresh, but from Fermented, i.e. , Sour cabbage and this is what came out of it...

Unfortunately, I didn’t get goat and duck meat. Surprisingly, I seem to live in the city, with claims to the capital’s preferences, but not the same product, even if it’s a cry.

I had to settle for my favorite pork. Well, I don’t like beef, so do with me what you want. Perhaps someday, in a past life, he was a Brahmin, the devil knows. But, nevertheless, I took the advice and added ribs to the shank to create a broth. Initially, the process was not much different from that outlined in the previous report.

We cook such a wonderful broth, and in order to fatten it up more, in order to neutralize the increased acidity of the cabbage, I prepare a rather fatty smoked brisket to enhance it

But that's not all! I decided to fry the onions, which would later serve as a substrate for stewing the cabbage, in lard, the main purpose of which was to evaporate and envelop the acidic capsules of cabbage juice with its fat cells.

If anyone is worried that the floating cracklings will look unappetizing, they can calm down - I ate almost all of them at the cooking stage, deciding in advance, just in case, which, as you know, can be different, to fatten my body. Yes, and it’s delicious, no need to hide it.

Fry the onion and add our cabbage, after squeezing it with your hands...

I’ll say right away that I took a lot of cabbage, much more than was required for the cabbage soup. This was done with the aim of perfecting the beautiful shape of the pies according to the tips of Svet Yur, who took pity on me and shared some culinary tricks. That is why, in parallel with the preparation of cabbage soup, the dough, intended for a possibly fateful experiment, was very persistently trying to break free in the pan.

When the cabbage was ready, the one that was intended for the filling was set aside and mixed with grated three hard-boiled eggs. In general, I like to parallelize, as in this case, combining cabbage soup and pies.

Meanwhile, in the slow cooker, our rich broth was saturated and bursting out with delicious steam. I added the frying agent to it, waited half an hour and added the cabbage.

After the program had completed its time, I added salt, added fresh herbs and crushed garlic. As a matter of fact, this is where the process of preparing cabbage soup itself began. Which? Yes, the most important thing is insistence. The multicooker worked in the “Keep Warm” mode and imitated the processes occurring in a Russian oven, evenly, at a low temperature, warming up the contents. It is at this time that cabbage soup becomes cabbage soup! Those in the know who have already cooked in a slow cooker will understand me, but critics of progress who don’t see anything more promising than an ordinary saucepan and wrap it in a towel or blanket after cooking can once again call me a pervert. It’s okay, I’ll survive, especially since all the perversions are yet to come, although how to react to this...

By the way, one more small nuance. Lately I have been reading a lot and often about the benefits of lemon, including its compatibility and giving a unique taste to everything that can be cooked. I decided to test this postulate as well. Got a lemon out of the freezer

And rubbed it with a grater into the multicooker bowl. You know, an amazing sour taste, just what you need. Try it, you won't regret it!

So, our fatty and sour cabbage soup is infused, we have time, we have dough, filling, and most importantly - a goal! So is it worth wasting time?

What is the main goal, you ask, and this will be a very good question! Of course, not in the banal preparation of ordinary, angular and ugly pies. No, they are, of course, tasty, but their appearance is not at all pleasing to delicate and vulnerable natures.

Well, see for yourself how exciting it can be, although it’s delicious, of course...

Kind of rude, right? But I want even, smooth, elastic, beautiful ones, well, something like Jennifer Lopez’s gluteal muscles

After all, this is a completely different matter, you will agree. And so, for the sake of such lofty goals, it’s not a sin to make a small lyrical digression on the topic of sour cabbage soup.

First, we make the pies as even as possible, for which we roll out the dough into a sausage and try to cut off pieces of equal size

The pies turn out approximately even, but with the same seam

And we will coat them with milk mixed with beaten egg and turn them over with the seam down. This is the main secret that I did not know. Yes, one more nuance. Usually, after greasing the pies, I immediately put them in the oven, but then I let them melt for about half an hour. During this time, they were amazingly straightened out and all the irregularities turned into convexities and concavities that were pleasing to the eye. Miracles!

I think no worse than Jennifer Lo!

In the meantime, the cabbage soup has brewed, the pies are ready, so what are we waiting for! Everyone is at the table!

Beauty! Yes, I must admit that cabbage soup made from Sour cabbage is much tastier than cabbage soup made from Fresh cabbage!

It was a successful day, a day in which beauty went hand in hand with expediency, and deliciousness went hand in hand with aesthetics. What more could you want, what more could you want?! Well, maybe they could bring in some duck meat?

Bon appetit and, for the beauty!

Classic recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup

Cooking dinner with this soup is a lot of fun - it's a surprisingly enjoyable experience. The classic recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup includes beef. The broth will be tasty with both pulp and meat on the bone. To prepare delicious cabbage soup with sauerkraut and beef, you need the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes - four pieces.
  • Meat – 400 g.
  • Onions, carrots - one piece each.
  • Sauerkraut – 350 g.
  • Fresh tomatoes - two pieces.
  • Garlic – one clove.
  • Herbs and spices - to taste.

Let's prepare our cabbage soup

  1. Cut the meat into medium pieces and fry in heated vegetable oil. We use the baking program. The duration of the program is approximately half an hour.
  2. At this time, you need to carry out preparatory procedures with vegetables. Peel and cut. The potatoes should turn into medium cubes, the onions into small cubes, and simply rub the carrots through any grater.
  3. Place the washed cabbage, carrots and onions in a slow cooker with the meat. We continue to stew vegetables and meat, and the program again switches to baking.
  4. Place potato cubes in a bowl and fill with hot water. At this stage of preparing the sauerkraut cabbage soup recipe, salt, pepper and bay leaf are added.
  5. Now you need to close the lid and, setting the “Stew”, leave the cabbage soup to simmer for an hour and a half. After the long-awaited signal, you need to turn off the device and leave it without opening the lid for another 15 minutes. Sauerkraut cabbage soup in a slow cooker is ready!

Cooking technology

A step-by-step recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup includes the following procedures:

  • The meat is placed in a pan of cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for two hours. The foam on top is removed periodically.
  • The onion is peeled and finely chopped.
  • The skin is removed from tomatoes, and the skin is removed from carrots.
  • The tomatoes are crushed, the orange vegetable is grated.
  • Peeled potatoes are cut into strips or small cubes.

  • When the meat is cooked, you need to remove it from the pan, cut it into small pieces and put it back into the broth.
  • The sauerkraut is squeezed out and placed in a saucepan with other vegetables prepared in advance. Everything is cooked for 10 minutes. Then the sauerkraut cabbage soup is infused. Onions and carrots can be fried if desired.
  • Serve with garlic.

How to cook cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

This dish is suitable for both housewives with extensive culinary experience and for beginners. It is enough to follow the instructions so that the cabbage soup turns out appetizing, amazingly beautiful and rich. Sour cream and crispy fresh bread are perfect for this dish!


  • meat (possibly with bone) - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • table salt - 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • universal seasoning (or for soup) - 1 tsp;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • drinking water - 2.5 l.

Delicious cabbage soup: recipe with photos

  1. To prepare cabbage soup, take a piece of meat of suitable weight and wash it thoroughly. If it is pulp, then it should be cut into small cubes and placed in a pan of water. The bone can be placed whole. Place the pan over medium heat and wait for the liquid to boil. After this, remove the resulting foam from the surface. After boiling, cook the meat for 40-50 minutes.
  2. At this time, peel a small onion and chop it finely. Wash the carrots under the tap, then chop them using a coarse grater. Combine vegetables in a frying pan, add vegetable oil to them.
  3. Fry chopped onions and carrots over low heat. When they become soft, add the specified amount of tomato paste to the pan, stir and cook for a few more minutes.
  4. Next, we prepare fresh white cabbage. We cut it into thin strips using a sharp kitchen knife. Add cabbage to the pan after the specified time after boiling the broth with meat (40-50 minutes).
  5. After this, we peel several potatoes and cut them into slices. Add to the cabbage soup after the broth with cabbage boils again.
  6. Immediately add the fried onions and carrots with tomato paste to the pan.
  7. After 15 minutes, salt the cabbage soup. Add seasoning and bay leaf.
  8. Finely chop the parsley and pour into the cabbage soup. If you don't like parsley, you can safely replace it with dill. The result will be no worse! Now all that remains is to cook the dish until the potatoes and cabbage are soft.

Recipe for lean sauerkraut cabbage soup

The first dish without meat is considered dietary. Such cabbage soup is included in their diet by vegetarians, people with various diseases for which eating meat is contraindicated, as well as those who are on a diet. To prepare lean cabbage soup from sauerkraut according to a recipe that is considered the simplest, you need to take:

  • 300 g sauerkraut.
  • Potatoes - three pieces.
  • Onions, carrots - one copy each.
  • Vegetable oil - two large spoons.
  • Flour - 0.5 times the previous ingredient.
  • Water - two liters.
  • Garlic - one clove.
  • Bay leaf - one piece.
  • Black pepper - two peas.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Greenery - as desired.

Lenten cabbage soup options

During Lent or according to personal preference, you can also prepare many different types of lean cabbage soup. Prepare this slightly unusual dish with sunny millet cereals and potatoes. Before preparing sauerkraut cabbage soup with potatoes, make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients for the future dish:

  • Sauerkraut in the amount of 300 grams.
  • Half a glass of dry millet.
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces.
  • 1 onion and 1 large carrot each.
  • A few cloves of garlic, bay leaf and salt.
  • 3 full tablespoons of tomato.
  • About 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • One of the important ingredients for cabbage soup is water; you need about three liters of it.

Step-by-step preparation of sauerkraut cabbage soup recipe:

  1. First, let's deal with millet. The cereals must be carefully sorted and rinsed well in several waters, then placed in a bowl and filled with boiling water.
  2. Peel the potatoes and, after washing, cut into medium pieces. Add water and let the soup base boil. Skim off the foam and add the cereal into this boiling water with potatoes. Boil everything for twenty minutes over moderate heat.
  3. While cooking these products, you need to deal with the cabbage and remaining vegetables. Wash and squeeze the cabbage. Chop the vegetables and sauté in a frying pan in refined vegetable oil.
  4. Add washed cabbage to this. Cook vegetables in oil, covered, for about 10 minutes.
  5. After this time, tomato paste can be introduced. After stewing it a little with a mixture of vegetables, put the contents of the frying pan into the pan and add salt, as much as you need for a good taste, throw in the bay leaf along with the salt.
  6. Depending on the readiness of the millet and potatoes, cook the soup for five to ten minutes. Now turn off the heat and add crushed garlic and finely chopped herbs, which are available. Let's keep the finished cabbage soup under the lid for a little while, and you're ready to eat.

Technologies for preparing lean cabbage soup

There is hardly a housewife who has never prepared the first course. In most families, preference is given to cabbage soup. The technology for their preparation is as follows:

  • The cabbage should be squeezed out so that the excess liquid is glassed off, placed in a saucepan, filled with water in the amount of one liter and simmered for one hour over moderate heat.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes. When the time for stewing the cabbage has passed, place the potatoes in the pan and pour in all the remaining water. Cook for 30 minutes.
  • Peel the carrots, grate them on a track, sauté and only then put them in the pan.

  • Do the same with onions. Cook the cabbage soup for another 25 minutes.
  • When the time is up, add salt and taste. If there is little acid in the cabbage soup, add cabbage brine; if there is a lot of acid, add water.
  • Some people consider lean cabbage soup made from sauerkraut to be liquid. To make their consistency velvety, you need to fry a little flour in vegetable oil, add water to it, stir, boil for one minute and add to the soup.
  • The preparation has come to an end. Add bay leaf and pepper to the cabbage soup and cook for another five minutes.
  • Before use, sprinkle with herbs and season with sour cream.

Fresh cabbage soup with meatballs for children

It's no secret that children simply adore meatballs and will prefer soup with them to soup with a regular piece of meat. The process of eating and catching them from the soup turns lunch into an exciting activity. In addition, if you are preparing cabbage soup for a child, you must follow some rules so as not to harm the delicate child’s stomach.

Do not sauté (do not fry) vegetables, but add them raw to the broth. Minced meat should be prepared at home from lean meats. The minced meat can be any of your choice: chicken, turkey, beef or lean pork. This will make the cabbage soup more healthy and lighter.

To be honest, I haven’t sauteed vegetables for soup for a long time, not only for children, but also for adults. This is not a classic soup preparation, but it is easy, tasty and not difficult for digestion. And I recommend it to you.

Having read previous recipes for cooking cabbage soup at home, you already understand the main stages of the process of cooking this soup.

So you will definitely be able to cook cabbage soup with meatballs for your child.


  • 2-3 liters of water
  • 500 g minced meat
  • 0.5 kg fresh cabbage
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tomato
  • 4-5 pcs. potatoes
  • salt and dill to taste

Cooking step by step

Step 1

It is better to prepare minced meat for meatballs at home, then you will know for sure that it was prepared from high-quality, fresh, lean meat and with clean hands. You can use any meat for cabbage soup with meatballs: pork, beef, chicken or turkey. Lamb is difficult to digest, so it is not suitable for children's menus. The meat should be lean. If there is fat, you need to cut it off and not use it for minced meat.

So, wash the pieces of meat, remove fat and films, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Form small meatballs, it is most convenient to do this with wet hands, so that the meat does not stick to your hands, just dip your palms in water

Step 2

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add a little salt and place the meatballs in it. After surfacing, cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. When the water boils and they float to the surface, skim off the foam.

Step 3 While you need to cook the vegetables. It is better not to fry vegetables in cabbage soup for children. Wash and peel the vegetables thoroughly. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion with a knife. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Finely chop fresh cabbage

Step 4

Add cooked vegetables to the broth with meatballs: onions, carrots, cabbage and potatoes. If you cook cabbage soup from winter varieties of cabbage, then add it to the soup first and cook until half cooked, then add onions, carrots and potatoes. If you cook from summer cabbage, then add it along with potatoes (cut into small cubes). So, cook the vegetables, stir from time to time, taste and add salt as needed to taste.

Step 5

Wash the tomato, put it in boiling water for a few minutes and remove the skin. Then cut the tomato pulp into pieces and grind in a blender or meat grinder. You can simply chop it finely with a knife or grate it. Place the tomato in the soup. Or simply add 3-4 tablespoons of tomato soup dressing that you have prepared for the winter.

Step 6

Finely chop the greens and add to the soup. Cook until done, stirring the soup from time to time and tasting. That's it, delicious, aromatic cabbage soup with meatballs is ready for your child! Turn off the heat, let it brew under a closed lid for 10 minutes and serve with sour cream. Such delicious cabbage soup with meatballs will be enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults!

Bon appetit!

Cabbage soup with beans

The first dish with legumes turns out rich. Cabbage soup made from sauerkraut and beans adds satiety. To prepare a delicious dish, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • Sauerkraut in the amount of 500 g.
  • Medium-sized potatoes - five tubers are enough.
  • Chicken meat – 500 g.
  • Onions and carrots - one piece of each vegetable.
  • Tomatoes in the amount of two fruits.
  • Beans - 1/2 cup or one can of canned vegetables.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Bay leaf - one piece.
  • Water - in the amount of two and a half or three liters. You will get six to eight servings of cabbage soup.

The process of preparing cabbage soup with beans

  • If using uncanned beans, first soak them overnight, then rinse and cook. This will take 40 minutes.
  • Prepare the broth. To do this, rinse the chicken, add water and put on fire for 30 minutes. You can add dill and parsley. If the meat was on the bones, it should be separated and placed back in the pan, and the waste should be thrown away.
  • Add sauerkraut to the broth and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Then the peeled potatoes are placed there and cooked until fully cooked.
  • All vegetables are peeled. Carrots and onions are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Diced tomatoes or paste are added here. Everything is fried again for three to four minutes.
  • The potatoes are removed from the broth, kneaded and returned to the pan. The broth is salted.
  • Beans and fried vegetables are added, and the cabbage soup is brought to a boil.
  • The soup is seasoned with pepper and bay leaf, and tasted for salt. The broth is removed from the stove. Served with herbs and garlic.

Let's start preparing lean cabbage soup from sauerkraut with mushrooms

  1. Cut the potatoes into cubes into a bowl and fill with water. Cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
  2. Wash and cut the champignons. Add them to the half-cooked potatoes. Now let the potatoes and champignons cook for another 15 minutes. Salt the dish being prepared and place a bay leaf in the pan.
  3. At the same time, cook other products in a frying pan. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots using any size grater.
  4. Saute the vegetables a little over low heat. Don't forget to stir.
  5. Now add the cabbage to the sauté. Cook for another 5-10 minutes covered.
  6. When the champignons and potatoes are ready, add the sauteed cabbage and other vegetables to the pan. Let the dish simmer over very low heat. Now you can add the greens. A fragrant and incredibly tender dish is ready! We treat our family and guests by serving cabbage soup with sour cream.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms

There are many options for preparing the first course, one of them is sauerkraut cabbage soup with mushrooms. To do this you need:

  • Sauerkraut – 200 g.
  • Dried mushrooms – 20 g.
  • Potatoes - two pieces.
  • Carrots, onions - one copy each.
  • Vegetable oil – 15 ml.
  • Salt, seasonings - to taste.

Video about cooking cabbage soup with chicken broth

Shchi is rightfully considered the main dish of Russian cuisine. They were known in Rus' even before its baptism. There were many cooking options. From “rich” cabbage soup, which only the nobility ate, to “empty” cabbage soup, which was prepared by peasants mainly from potatoes, with the addition of various vegetables and plants (nettle, sorrel).

Today I want to share with you the most delicious and unusual options for making cabbage soup from sauerkraut. Starting from the most ancient recipes, daily ones, to modern ones, prepared in a slow cooker.

How to cook?

What is the technology for preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut with mushrooms?

  • The mushrooms are soaked for two hours, then boiled for 30 minutes.
  • Carrots and onions are cut into strips and fried in vegetable oil until a golden brown crust forms. Cabbage is added and everything is simmered until the vegetables become soft.
  • The broth is filtered, water is poured into it and brought to a boil. Add diced potatoes here and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then vegetables stewed in a frying pan, mushrooms cut into pieces, seasonings, and salt are added. The cabbage soup is boiled again, but no more than five minutes. Before eating, sprinkle with green onions.

Chicken soup recipe


  • Chicken - 700 gr.
  • sauerkraut - 700 gr.
  • potatoes - 500 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs and spices to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, prepare the necessary products. Let the chicken meat cook, and when the broth boils, you need to collect the foam, and after half an hour you can strain the finished broth.

2. Salt the strained broth a little and add spices to taste. 3. Place medium diced potatoes into a saucepan with broth and cook for 15 minutes.

4. Finely chop the onion and fry it in a frying pan in oil until golden brown.

5. Afterwards, add grated carrots and finely chopped tomatoes and garlic to the onion. Fry vegetables for 5 minutes.

6. At the moment when the potatoes are cooked, add fried vegetables, sauerkraut, bay leaves, pepper and salt to taste. Remove from the stove, cover with a lid and let it brew for a while.

7. Just before serving, decorate the finished soup with herbs and season with sour cream.

Shchi with chicken

Chicken meat is best suited for this first dish: drumstick, thigh. But you can use wings, soup sets, and for dietary soup - chicken fillet. There is no need to add roots, spices, or onions to sauerkraut soup with chicken. Cabbage, salted in advance, itself has a rich taste, so the additives are simply lost against its background. To cook sauerkraut cabbage soup with chicken, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • Chicken meat: fillet or with bones – 350-400 g.
  • Potatoes - three tubers.
  • Carrots, onions - one vegetable each.
  • Sauerkraut - three handfuls.
  • Water - three liters.
  • Vegetable oil, tomato sauce - two tablespoons each.
  • Salt, bay leaf, capsicum or peas - to taste.
  • Sour cream, herbs.

How to cook sour cabbage soup

Boil the broth

Place the bones in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, be sure to skim off any foam that has formed and cook over low heat, covered, for 1-1.5 hours.

After you have removed all the foam, do not forget to add 4-5 bay leaves, 6-8 allspice peas and a little salt to the broth. Since we use pork bones, which have practically no meat, the cooking time for the broth should not exceed 1.5 hours. This is quite enough to make the broth rich, with a light meaty taste.

Prepare dressing for cabbage soup

While the broth is cooking, prepare the dressing for the soup: peel the carrots and onions and cut them into small cubes. We cut the potatoes into fairly large cubes, the smoked bacon either into cubes or into thin cubes.

Place our bacon in a well-heated frying pan without oil and fry for 5 minutes over high heat. Bacon will immediately produce fat.

Fry the bacon to season the cabbage soup

Add the carrots and fry for another 5 minutes until the carrots begin to soften and turn golden.

Add carrots to bacon

Now is the time to put the sauerkraut in a frying pan, sprinkle it with 2 heaped teaspoons of sugar, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Check our cabbage periodically, stir and, if necessary, add a little vegetable oil. Don't let the cabbage burn. After 30 minutes, add the onions to the pan, simmer for another 10 minutes, then turn off the pan.

When the meat broth is ready, put all the bones and bay leaves out of it and mercilessly throw it away.

Add potatoes to the broth and cook for 10 minutes. After that we spread our dressing of bacon, cabbage, carrots and onions. Keep on the fire until the soup boils (about 10 minutes), after which we season the soup with a good pinch of cumin and salt to taste, turn off the heat, and add finely chopped herbs to the soup.

Add greens to the cabbage soup!

Our sour cabbage soup is ready!

Very tasty ready-made cabbage soup with sauerkraut!

How to cook?

The step-by-step recipe for sauerkraut cabbage soup is as follows:

  • The chicken meat is cleaned, filled with water, and placed on high heat. When it boils, the broth is poured off along with the foam and fat.
  • The meat is washed again, filled with three liters of water and placed on low heat for 40-45 minutes. The readiness of the product is easily determined. If the meat pulls away from the bone, it is cooked. Foam will appear, but in small quantities. It can be removed with a spoon.
  • While the chicken is cooking, peel the vegetables. You don’t need to add a lot of carrots, as sauerkraut has plenty of it. It's better to add more potatoes.
  • Tubers in cabbage soup can be cut in any way: into slices, cubes, strips. The potatoes are cooked until fully cooked, but the longer the time, the tastier the cabbage soup will be. To make the first dish thick, some of the potatoes need to be caught from the broth and mashed, and then put back in again.
  • Onions and carrots are fried for two to three minutes with constant stirring to prevent the vegetables from burning.
  • Sauerkraut is squeezed well, if it is sour, it is washed in a colander under running cold water, after which it is added to the onions and carrots and simmered for 20-25 minutes with the lid closed.
  • Then add tomatoes or tomato paste. You need to simmer for another 5-10 minutes, during which time the tomato will fry.
  • The chicken needs to be removed from the broth, cut into portions and placed on a plate.
  • Place everything in the pan into the pan. Salt the broth, taste if necessary, adjust the taste and leave on the lowest heat for 20 minutes.
  • Before turning off the oven, season the broth with spices and herbs. Give the cabbage soup time to brew and you can have lunch.
  • Before serving, the chicken pieces should be placed on plates, and then the cabbage soup should be poured. The first dish can be seasoned with sour cream and eaten with fresh bread.

Fresh cabbage soup with chicken

Features of this recipe - firstly, chicken broth, secondly, we will not normally chop cabbage and other vegetables with a knife, instead we will chop them with a blender, thirdly, we will mix fresh cabbage with sauerkraut. The quantity of products indicated in the recipe is quite large, they are enough for a 5 liter pan.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • chicken broth - 4l;
  • fresh cabbage - 250g;
  • sauerkraut - 250g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 160g;
  • wheat cereal - 3 tbsp;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper, paprika to taste.

Cooking process

  1. Cut the potatoes into small pieces.
  2. Place the pan with the broth on the fire and put the potatoes in it.
  3. Pour in the cereal (not only wheat cereal is suitable for this soup, but also rice, bulgur or millet).
  4. Finely chop the onion.
  5. We send it to the frying pan, after pouring a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  6. Grind the carrots in a blender, but you can also grate them on a coarse grater.
  7. Place the carrots in the frying pan.
  8. Chop fresh cabbage.
  9. Add to the pan with carrots and onions.
  10. Fry the vegetables for a couple of minutes.
  11. Grind the sauerkraut in the same way.
  12. We send it to the frying pan, add 1 teaspoon of sugar (if the cabbage is not very sour, then you don’t need to add sugar).
  13. Add paprika, ground black pepper, maybe a little red pepper.
  14. Pass the garlic through a press.
  15. Add ketchup or any other tomato (paste, fresh tomato, etc.) and simmer for a few more minutes, stirring.
  16. Transfer the prepared vegetables to the soup.
  17. The chicken on which the broth was cooked can be finely chopped and also added to the pan.
  18. Salt at the very end.
  19. Add finely chopped greens and the cabbage soup can be served.

Cooking secrets

Delicious cabbage soup is not difficult to prepare, but there are little secrets that will make the dish even tastier and bring more benefits.

  • If the sauerkraut is very salty, it should be soaked in water, otherwise the finished dish may be ruined.
  • Cabbage soup will be more beneficial if you use beef to prepare it. But you can cook them with pork, poultry, smoked meats, and stewed meat.
  • According to the classic recipe, cabbage soup is cooked in an oven using clay pots. All the necessary products are placed in the dishes at once, filled with water and sent to the Russian oven. Today you can taste such a dish on rare occasions, unless you use an oven instead.
  • The main secret of delicious cabbage soup is eating it the next day. It is better to leave freshly prepared soup until tomorrow, it will infuse and will be much tastier.

Housewives from the article learned how to cook cabbage soup from sauerkraut. Let your lunchtime meal bring many pleasant moments to your family.

Donuts with chocolate-nut butter

Category: Baked goods Dough products Donuts

If someday a competition is announced in the world for the title of the biggest donut lover, my children will probably beat American policemen in it. Duncan donuts are not sold in our provinces, so it gets ridiculous - we bring them in boxes from the capital. Like sausage during the Soviet shortage. But recently I mastered a recipe that could well compete with the world-famous brand. It's incredibly easy to prepare. Especially if you entrust the dough to a bread maker - this friend never lets me down. By the way, the filling can be anything, even chocolate with cream, jam, or custard. But today I unexpectedly found a jar of No Name chocolate spread, which everyone had forgotten about. Choosing between “throw it away” and “stuff it inside the donuts,” I chose the second option. You made the right decision! The result is excellent.

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